The New Eagle
January 2000 update

click for updates:   original   WTO   WTO-2   Butterfly/Luna   Butterfly/Luna-2   Y2K   late winter   late winter-2    Ides of March   Fools' Weekend 2000   Prague call to Action [S26] Boston 'debate'   election fraud   Thanksgiving 2000   December 2000 Bogus Inauguration Summer Solstice 2001 Late Summer 2001   September 2001   October 2001 Mid-October 2001   Hallowe'en 2001 Thanksgiving 2001   Happy New Year 2002   commentary   letters   poetry
Care2: free services that help save wildlife
Click here to view "The Day I Met George W. Bush," a memoir by John Searcy--the Bush boys cruise 70s Odessa
Searching the Isles:

Ken Kesey is continuing his search for Merlin, who has been predicted to reappear! Whatever happens, try real hard not to forget: the real Millennium party is Dec. 31, 2000-Jan. 1, 2001.Okay? Still, why stress over the proper moment in time to celebrate the new millennium? Party through 2000 and give the third millennium a proper welcome!

Millennium Madness: Before he made his exit from planet Earth in typically flamboyant style, prominent advocate of The Psychedelic Experience--and notorious snitch--Timothy Leary predicted just that--"Millennium Madness"--and that prediction, while an obviously safe one, certainly came true. Apparently, the famous "zero zero" of The (pretentious genius) Artist's now-celebrated song had a strange effect on the human psyche. While the rationalists among us preached skepticism, fortunes were made on pre-Y2K fears; mail-order "survival kits" and other emergency equipment were snatched up by those who believed the computer glitch would herald the beginning of the collapse of Western Civilization.The more positive amongst the apocalyptically-minded hoped the possible crisis was an opportunity in disguise to build community. Others saw Y2K hype as a historic joke--the greatest hoax in at least 1,000 years! Still others canceled once-elaborate plans for that Dec.31, 1999 New Year's Eve bash--"just in case." Northern California's Real Goods Trading Corp., meanwhile, continues marketing unique solar and other alternative energy equipment for preparedness "just in case" of the next natural (or man-made) disaster--whether earthquake, famine, hurricane, tornado, war, etc.; or to get off the grid for good.

Butterfly saved Luna! Everybody helped Julia win a great victory and come down from Luna late last year. She would no doubt appreciate your e-mail of support, and congratulations. Also, please contact John Campbell, President, Pacific Lumber Company. E-mail him with encouragement to follow up on sparing that tree, Luna, with a commitment to sustainable forest practices.

WTO KZYX programmer Verge Belanger was in Seattle with the masses protesting WTO plans to implement corporate takeover of planet. Email Verge, or e-mail KZYX news director Annie Esposito, who was also on the scene.

Click here to view analysis of GATT, NAFTA and the WTO and their part in erosion of democracy, environmental safeguards, labor protections--written by Ralph Nader and Lori Wallach.
free services that help save wildlife
Join's Race for the Rain Forest!
Deconstructing Mendocino College Journalism:
the McLelland proposal of May 12, 1997

At odds with reality
Recently, the author of the above-referenced proposal testified about "disruption of  our little campus newspaper" (presumably referring to the false Eagle currently being distributed, to the excruciating embarrassment of anyone who knows what college newspapers can be.)
A quick comparison of a few of McLelland's points  as outlined in her 1997 proposal with the current state of the "newspaper" being produced under the "Eagle" name should remove any illusions that the changes in Mendocino College's journalism program are about "quality."

The New Eagle needs you: Submit now!
Mendocino County readers still deserve
another decent independent publication worth reading. "Off the record," what's up with the  attitude displayed on a web page such as that of the Anderson Valley Advertiser? Is it really that difficult to adapt to change, or is all technological advance suspect by definition? How does one get replacement ribbons for Underwoods--or Royals--these days, anyway? Or is the idea of someone reading even a sentence of the deathless prose found on every page of the legendary "country weekly" without paying for the privilege just too horrifying to imagine?
Anyway, if you want to help make The New Eagle a reality, whether on-line or in printed, "tangible" form,
e-mail The New Eagle with your questions, comments and, most important, your submissions of writing, photography and art.
Click to access:

KZYX joins struggle to Save Pacifica

Top Ten Reasons to Oppose the IMF--by the Global Exchange staff

"The Day I Met George W. Bush," a memoir by John Searcy--the Bush boys cruise 70s Odessa.

"Hole in Headwaters" gets reprieve--Judge grants injunction, sparing ancient redwoods--a report from North Coast Earth First!

Pre-Convention media coverage: distorts Democracy Movement's agenda, whitewashes paramilitary violence

Gabriel Garcia Marquez on the Elian Gonzalez saga: "Shipwreck on dry land"

"Nader, Buchanan and the Debates,"  by Jeff Cohen of FAIR

A commentary by Dylan Humphrey: on academic freedom and democracy

"Bringing home the roadkill should not be a crime," a commentary by Lynn Harrington

Americans seem to prefer the "security" of fascism over democracy, writes Carol Wolman

Inaugural poetry section: "The Undertaker," by Carlos KnoopHappy New Year 2002

Two poems by Chris Byrne: "Branded" and "Retrograde"

Prayer for these signs of the times: a Rasta poem

The New Eagle needs you: Submit now!

If you want to help make The New Eagle a reality, whether on-line or in printed, tangible form, email The New Eagle with your questions, comments and, most important, your submissions of writing, photography and art.
Save Pacifica! Link here to for the latest news on the crisis at Pacifica Radio