The New Eagle
late winter 2000 update #2

click for updates:   original   WTO   WTO-2   Butterfly/Luna   Butterfly/Luna-2   Y2K   post-Y2K   late winter 2000

Now: three new pages added
commentary   letters   poetry

KZYX helps Save Pacifica:   Mendocino County community radio station KZYX has been carrying the Free Speech Radio news broadcasts put out by  striking Pacifica Network News reporters worldwide, in protest of Pacifica's outrageous censorship of their work (history). Call the station at at 1.800.499.7117 to express support for this stand. If you want to talk on the air, the two best chances are: "Telephone booth at the end of the universe" with programmer Tim Gregory, Thursday mornings, midnight to 6 a.m.; and "On the Verge," with  Verge Belanger, Friday mornings, midnight to 6 a.m. Join the rant-fest . Also, phone (707.895.2554) or  e-mail KZYX news director  Annie Esposito with your comments. It's our community radio station--let's use it!
Care2 make a difference: free services that help save wildlife
free services that help save wildlife
Click here to view "The Day I Met George W. Bush," a memoir by John Searcy--the Bush boys cruise 70s Odessa
Join's Race for the Rain Forest!
Click to access:

Deconstructing Mendocino College Journalism--from the original on-line update of The New Eagle, November 1999.

McLelland proposal of May 12, 1997--at odds with reality

Analysis of GATT, NAFTA and the WTO and their part in erosion of democracy, environmental safeguards, labor protections--written by Ralph Nader and Lori Wallach.

Butterfly saved Luna: After living on Luna for two years, Julia Butterfly helped save the tree she loves.

The Battle of Seattle shut down--for now--WTO plans.

Millennium Madness: just as Leary and what's-his-name predicted

KZYX joins struggle to Save Pacifica

Top Ten Reasons to Oppose the IMF--by the Global Exchange staff

"The Day I Met George W. Bush," a memoir by John Searcy--the Bush boys cruise 70s Odessa.

"Hole in Headwaters" gets reprieve--Judge grants injunction, sparing ancient redwoods--a report from North Coast Earth First!

Pre-Convention media coverage: distorts Democracy Movement's agenda, whitewashes paramilitary violence

Gabriel Garcia Marquez on the Elian Gonzalez saga: "Shipwreck on dry land"

"Nader, Buchanan and the Debates," by Jeff Cohen of FAIR

A commentary by Dylan Humphrey: on academic freedom and democracy

"Bringing home the roadkill should not be a crime," a commentary by Lynn Harrington

Americans seem to prefer the "security" of fascism over democracy, writes Carol Wolman

Inaugural poetry section: "The Undertaker," by Carlos Knoop

Two poems by Chris Byrne: "Branded" and "Retrograde"

Prayer for these signs of the times: a Rasta poem

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email The New Eagle with your questions, comments and, most important, your submissions of writing, photography and art.
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