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What Is FAIR?
When Are Nazi Comparisons Deplorable?
For Fox News, only when Republicans are the targets

The controversy over comparisons between George W. Bush and Adolf Hitler in two ads submitted to the anti-Bush ad contest run by the online activist group says less about the state of left discourse than it does about the double standards at Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation.

News Corp's Fox News Channel started the controversy on January 4, airing Republican National Committee chair Ed Gillespie's complaint about the Bush/Hitler comparison.
"That's the kind of tactics we're seeing on the left today in support of these Democratic presidential candidates," Gillespie charged, calling such tactics "despicable."

The whole next day (1/5/04), this was a major story on Fox News Channel. 
John Gibson asked, "What about the hating Bush movement, the and George Soros sponsoring these ads that compare Bush to Hitler?"--before being corrected that the ads were not sponsored by MoveOn (or Soros, a funder of the group), and were taken down in response to complaints.

Sean Hannity accused a guest: "You guys on the left are going so far over the cliff. You're making comparisons to the president and Adolf Hitler."
Republican pollster Kellyanne Conway said on Hannity's show, "This is the hateful, vitriolic rhetoric that has become the Howard Dean Democratic Party."
Bill O'Reilly cited the ads as evidence that "right now in America the Democratic party is being held captive by the far, far left."

It should be noted that however hyperbolic, comparisons to Hitler and fascism are not unknown in the American political debate. Rush Limbaugh has routinely called women's rights advocates "femi-Nazis," and references to "Hitlery Clinton" are a staple of right-wing talk radio. Republican power-broker Grover Norquist [on NPR, 10/2/03], compared inheritance taxes to the Holocaust ...more
The ads submitted to comparing Bush to Hitler can be found at:

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Feel free to respond to FAIR ( ). We can't reply to everything, but we will look at each message. We especially appreciate documented examples of media bias or censorship. And please send copies of your email correspondence with media outlets, including any responses, to .

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Will the French Indict Cheney?

by Doug Ireland

[posted online on December 29, 2003]

Yet another sordid chapter in the murky annals of Halliburton might well lead to the indictment of Dick Cheney by a French court on charges of bribery, money-laundering and misuse of corporate assets.

At the heart of the matter is a $6 billion gas liquification factory built in Nigeria on behalf of oil mammoth Shell by Halliburton--the company Cheney headed before becoming Vice President--in partnership with a large French petroengineering company, Technip. Nigeria has been rated by the anticorruption watchdog Transparency International as the second-most corrupt country in the world, surpassed only by Bangladesh. -- more

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*This article can be found on the web at:

link here to author Greg Palast's web page touting his book, "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: An Investigative Reporter Exposes the Truth About Globalization, Corporate Cons, and High Finance Fraudsters"
God Bless America!


Sharpton: Clinton 'Killed the Democratic Party'

The Democratic Party is dead, presidential candidate Rev. Al Sharpton said Thursday. And it's Bill Clinton's fault.

Launching into a tirade against Democratic centrists during an interview on Washington, D.C. TV station WJLA, Sharpton complained that it's been all downhill for Democrats since Clinton took over 10 years ago.

"Bill Clinton won, the party didn't," railed the radical reverend. "And Bill Clinton [might] not have won if it had not been for Perot."

"That is my point - centrism killed this party," he insisted. "We didn't regain the Congress in 1998.... In 2000 we lost it all. In 2002 we were demolished, we were demolished. We lost everything as a party."

Sharpton said Democrats certainly couldn't do any worse if they nominated him for president, since the party seems to be flatlining already.

"People are saying, 'Will Sharpton, the Progressive, kill the party?' The party's dead. I've come to help start the resurrection," he announced.

Though Sharpton's comments are among the most politically explosive uttered during the presidential campaign so far, with the exception of radio host Rush Limbaugh, who played the Sharpton audio during his Friday broadcast, the reverend's outburst has gone unreported.

Editor's Note:

Al Sharpton vows revenge against Hillary: Click Here Now.

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Putting God Back in Politics
by Jim Wallis, editor, Sojourners magazine

Jim WallisAs the Democratic candidates for president attend religious services for the holidays, their celebrations may be tempered by an uncomfortable fact: churchgoing Americans tend to vote Republican.

An overwhelming majority of Americans consider themselves to be religious. Yet according to the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, people who attend church more than once a week vote Republican by 63 percent to 37 percent; people who seldom or never attend vote Democratic by 62 percent to 38 percent.

This disparity should concern Democrats - if not as a matter of faith then as a matter of politics. More important, it should concern anyone who cares about the role of religion in public life. By failing to engage Republicans in this debate, the Democrats impoverish us all. -- more

Jim Wallis is editor of Sojourners magazine and the convener of Call to Renewal, a national network of churches working to overcome poverty.

Copyright 2003 The New York Times Company

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Link from here to a large database of news and views from the "anti" side of the Iraq War
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Deconstructing Mendocino College Journalism--from the original on-line update of The New Eagle, November 1999.

McLelland proposal of May 12, 1997--at odds with reality

Analysis of GATT, NAFTA and the WTO and their part in erosion of democracy, environmental safeguards, labor protections--written by Ralph Nader and Lori Wallach.

Butterfly saved Luna: After living on Luna for two years, Julia Butterfly helped save the tree she loves.

The Battle of Seattle shut down--for now--WTO plans.

Millennium Madness: just as Leary and what's-his-name predicted

KZYX joins struggle to Save Pacifica

Top Ten Reasons to Oppose the IMF--by the Global Exchange staff

"The Day I Met George W. Bush," a memoir by John Searcy--the Bush boys cruise 70s Odessa.

"Hole in Headwaters" gets reprieve--Judge grants injunction, sparing ancient redwoods--a report from North Coast Earth First!

Pre-Convention media coverage: distorts Democracy Movement's agenda, whitewashes paramilitary violence

Gabriel Garcia Marquez on the Elian Gonzalez saga: "Shipwreck on dry land"

"Nader, Buchanan and the Debates," by Jeff Cohen of FAIR

A commentary by Dylan Humphrey: on academic freedom and democracy

"Bringing home the roadkill should not be a crime," a commentary by Lynn Harrington

"The Beast and his mark," a commentary by Mark  Glenn

Egyptian Christian released, authorities want info. on wife's location: a report from Voice of the Martyrs, the advocate for persecuted believers worldwide

"From Watergate to W: The story of the Right in the U.S.," reprint of a commentary by Robert Parry in; it also appeared in RWWatch

Pope's Message on World Day of Peace, 1 January 2004

Commentaries by Carol Wolman:

"A New Culture of Fear": Since 9/11, Americans seem to prefer the "security" of fascism over democracy.

"Diagnosing Dubya": He's not an idiot -- he's a sociopath!

Text of Valentine's Day 2003 speech to the United Nations Security Council by French Foreign Minister

"This is what history feels like," a speech by Tom Hayden, Los Angeles, Ides of March 2003

Inaugural poetry section: "The Undertaker," by Carlos Knoop

Two poems by Chris Byrne: "Branded" and "Retrograde"

Prayer for these signs of the times: a Rasta poem

"It's Jewish," a Sabbatarian poem by 19th-Century Adventist Uriah Smith

"jersey st": a poem by michael platt

"Mutability," by William Wordsworth

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