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The New Eagle needs you
If you are a writer who  would love not only to see your name in print but to participate in a real, ongoing, online forum of ideas, The New Eagle needs you. If you are a poet who has been  waiting for a chance to be published in a way, and in a publication, that honors your  art, The New Eagle needs you. If you are a graphic artist, The New Eagle needs you--art gives a  publication identity. If you are a photographer, The New Eagle needs  you--photography gives a publication immediacy. If you are a lexicographer--a copy editor,  proofreader, desktop publishing maven, or whatever, The New Eagle needs you--who will read it if we don't care enough to set it right?
Ye must be born again
"Beware of false prophets"
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Deconstructing Mendocino College Journalism--from the original on-line update of The New Eagle, November 1999.

McLelland proposal of May 12, 1997--at odds with reality

Analysis of GATT, NAFTA and the WTO and their part in erosion of democracy, environmental safeguards, labor protections--written by Ralph Nader and Lori Wallach.

Butterfly saved Luna: After living on Luna for two years, Julia Butterfly helped save the tree she loves.

The Battle of Seattle shut down--for now--WTO plans.

Millennium Madness: just as Leary and what's-his-name predicted

KZYX joins struggle to Save Pacifica

Top Ten Reasons to Oppose the IMF--by the Global Exchange staff

"The Day I Met George W. Bush," a memoir by John Searcy--the Bush boys cruise 70s Odessa.

"Hole in Headwaters" gets reprieve--Judge grants injunction, sparing ancient redwoods--a report from North Coast Earth First!

Pre-Convention media coverage: distorts Democracy Movement's agenda, whitewashes paramilitary violence

Gabriel Garcia Marquez on the Elian Gonzalez saga: "Shipwreck on dry land"

"Nader, Buchanan and the Debates," by Jeff Cohen of FAIR

A commentary by Dylan Humphrey: on academic freedom and democracy

"Bringing home the roadkill should not be a crime," a commentary by Lynn Harrington

Americans seem to prefer the "security" of fascism over democracy, writes Carol Wolman

Termination of Treaties: A Presidential Decree is not enough

"Restoring freedom: What does it mean to be an American on this Fourth of July?" -- commentary by Dorothy M. Ehrlich -- reprinted from July 4, 2002 SF Chronicle

Inaugural poetry sectio
n: "The Undertaker," by Carlos Knoop

Two poems by Chris Byrn
e: "Branded" and "Retrograde"

Prayer for these signs of the time
s: a Rasta poem

"jersey st": a poem by michael platt

"Mutability," by William Wordsworth

The New Eagle needs you: Submit now!

If you want to help make
The New Eagle a reality, whether on-line or in printed, tangible form, email The New Eagle with your questions, comments and, most important, your submissions of writing, photography and art.
Bob Dobbs!
"Beware of false Eagles"
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Link to officially unauthorized website of Mendocino College Eagle forum
Click here to view "An Open Letter to the Mendocino College Community," as CENSORED by the false "Eagle"
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New College of Florida: the answer for those who already want an education.