Happy Birthday Victoria! |
Vickie, on this day in 1998 your birth was the only thing in this world that was important to your Mommy, Daddy and Grammy. Today you would have been age 4, in mortal years. Today your Mommy and Grammy will shed many sad tears. Instead of cake with candles, balloons, partyhats & presents, We'll celebrate the memories of your loving essances. Instead of pretty pink bows, dancing little toes & smiles so wide, Our hearts filled with sadness & tear filled eyes we cannot hide. We'll morn our loss of our precious little girl, but through our sadness and broken hearts, we will remember, "To us, you will always be the sweetest love in our world!" God already knew you were a perfect angel at birth, because you did not have to stay long on this old earth. You lived not quite a year in our mortal times, but you earned your wings and forever a place in our hearts and minds. So when the morning sun comes so shining bright, We will know you're sending us your heavenly smiles, and you are doing alright. And we will send to you our unending love, To hold close to you in heaven above. by Wanda Bryant, Copyright@ April 17, 2002 Grammy to: Victoria Stephanie King 04/17/1998 ~ 04/11/1999 |
Thank you Deb Harris for this beautiful angel picture you made for me. Wonderflight |
This little cutie was made by Heart Treasures, click it to go there. |