Photographs by Ed Heavey©

I wish to thank my friend Ed Heavey for allowing me to use his photographs to depict the New York City Fire Department during the 1940's and 50's.  All of Ed Heavey's photographs are copyright protected.

Please stop back as new photographs are always being added.

By clicking on photo you will see a full screen of the event.


Deck Pipe of Engine Company 229 at work at a 3 alarm fire at 473 Grant Street, Brooklyn, NY.  Fire occurred at 2 pm on March 10, 1951, Box 228
March 10, 1951
Engine Company 229
473 Grand Street Brooklyn, NY
Box 228

Manhattan Box 454
June 30, 1949

Funeral Procession on 5th Ave.

Multiple alarm fire- downtown Manhattan
Late 1940's

Sacred Heart Church
Brooklyn, NY

Clicking here will return you to the Wantagh FD

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