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Q & A -
NAME - Jodie Harsh

AGE -  Too fast to live, too young to die.

WHERE -  London

WORK -  In clubs and parties

LIKE -  Dressing up, Marlboro Lights, Diet Coke, music, disco dancing, Galliano frocks, hot boys, London and New York City, my friends, my mum, my lips. 

DESLIKE -  Bitchy drag queens - get a life.

INFLUENCES -  Some of them have become my best friends. I admire anyone who has done this better or before me.

BEST DRESSED MAN / /WOMAN -  Man: Freddie Ljungberg (naked). Woman: The fabulous Amanda Lepore

MOVIES -  Dancer In the Dark, True Romance, Requiem for a Dream, Fight Club, Shrek.

MUSIC -  Everything and anything: Madonna/Prince/electro/Bjork/RnB/and Rock n' Roll, baby.

MAKE-UP -  It has to be MAC. They do the best colours and give me a hefty discount.

CLUBS -  I've been everywhere and couldn't possibly choose one. 

FAVOURITE DESIGNERS - Galliano, McQueen, Westwood, Ashish, Preen, Bodymap, Marjon Pejoski

FIRST FREAK OUTFIT  - The actual Westwood/ Keith Haring outfit that Madonna wore in the Borderline video. I had to take EXTRA special care of it!

WORST EXPERIENCE -  It doubled up as the best experience.