Funny Responses to the Speed Camera Scourge

How fast do you have to go to beat the speed camera?  This video claims over 170 mph is the ticket.

Greed Cameras


Speed Camera on dirt road

Toys for Tots

The French Response:  Some nudity

From Police and Security News: "A fake speed camera has been credited with halting speeding drivers racing past homes in an English village.  Two teenagers erected the cardboard fake camera in a bid to put the brakes on the speeders racing through their neighborhood. Strips of tape have also been put across the road where the box is situated, giving the impression to approaching drivers of a real speed camera at the spot. The device, which is made out of a cardboard box, painted yellow and taped to a pole, was installed by two boys, 14 and 13 years old. (So, after that stops working, have the boys stand near the road and “run radar” with a hair dryer.)"

From APBWeb.Com: In England Don't Flip Off the Cameras:  The finger
In England they have cameras to help police deal with traffic enforcement. A British man has been fined 80 Euros for giving one of the “speed cameras” the finger. Simon Thompson, 41, gave the middle finger when he spotted the mobile camera as he drove home from work within the speed limit. Half an hour later, two policemen who had been operating the device knocked on his door and handed him a citation for making offensive gestures under the Public Order Act. “I accept what I did was foolish and it wasn’t my finest hour. But this shows the police have got their priorities completely wrong,” Thompson told reporters.

Tips to beat the ticket page