CASE NO.: 5:05 CV 0866







1. This is an action to redress violations of federally protected rights of free speech
and due process by a government entity and by government officials under color
of law against a citizen of the United States. This action is also to redress
violations of federal law under 47 U.S.C. §531 and under state law. The Plaintiff
seeks declaratory judgment and damages.

2. Jurisdiction is invoked pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1331 and §1343(a)(2), (3) and (4).
To the extent declaratory relief is sought, claims are asserted pursuant to 28
U.S.C. §§ 2201 and 2202.

3. This action is initiated pursuant to the Civil Rights Act of 1871, 42 U.S.C. §1983,
to redress the deprivation under color of statute, ordinance, regulation, custom or
usage of rights, privileges and immunities secured to Plaintiff under the First and
Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. Defendants acted
under color of law and under color of statute, ordinance, regulation, custom or
usage of the City of Akron, Ohio.

4. This action is also initiated under the Cable Communications Policy Act, 47
U.S.C. §531(e) to redress Defendant’s implementation of policies and regulations
which result in editorial control of Plaintiff’s use of any public, educational or
governmental channel.

5. The state law claims are instituted under 28 U.S.C. §1367(a) as those claims are
related to the action within such original jurisdiction of the Court and form part of
the same case or controversy.


6. Plaintiff, Rose Wilcher, is a citizen of the United States, a resident of 704 Copley
Road, City of Akron, State of Ohio within the Northern District of Ohio and at all
relevant times a local program producer of programs shown on the community
access channel provided by Time Warner Cable under the terms of the Cable
Communications Franchise Agreement, Akron, Ohio.

7. Defendant, City of Akron, is a municipal corporation and public entity within the
Northern District of Ohio operating under the constitution, statutes, ordinances,
rules and regulation of the United States and the State of Ohio. As such,
defendant was responsible for implementation and enforcement of the ordinances,
policies, procedures, acts and conduct regarding the administration of matters
concerning the Cable Communications Franchise Agreement.

8. Defendant, Donald Plusquellic, was at all relevant times the Mayor of the City of
Akron. As such, defendant was responsible for implementation and enforcement
of the ordinances, policies, procedures, acts and conduct regarding the
administration of matters concerning the Cable Communications Franchise

9. Time Warner Cable, Northeast Ohio Division (herein “Time Warner”), is a for-
profit corporation registered in the State of Ohio with its principal place of
business at 530 South Main Street, Suite 1751, City of Akron, State of Ohio.
Defendant was responsible for implementation and enforcement of the Time
Warner Cable Community Access Guidelines as approved by the City of Akron
and the Cable Communications Franchise Agreement. Time Warner was
responsible for providing local broadcast programming and to administer such
under the Cable Communications Franchise Agreement.


10. Plaintiff reasserts the foregoing allegations 1 through 8 and incorporates them by
reference as if fully set forth herein.

11. Pursuant to the Akron, Ohio Cable Communications Franchise Agreement (herein
“Agreement”), Section 13(L), as passed by Akron City Council Ordinance No.
516-1983, Time Warner Cable was obligated to develop and offer locally-
originated programming that reflects the interests and concerns of Akron
subscribers, to provide alternative programming to that offered by broadcast cable
and to conduct community ascertainment studies every five years.

12. The initial Agreement was subsequently amended by Ordinance 639-1989.

13. Pursuant to Section 13(M) of the Agreement, Time Warner was initially obligated
to provide at least one Community Service Channel for public use.

14. Time Warner also agreed to provide additional community service channels based
on a schedule of channel capacity exclusively for educational programming,
Section 13(M), and institutional programming, Section 13(P). These community
service channels are commonly known in the industry as public, education and
government channels (PEGs).

15. Pursuant to the 639-1989 ordinance, Time Warner would provide the additional
PEG channels, as requested by the City of Akron, when the system channel
capacity expanded to sixty-two channels.

16. Time Warner did provide one community access channel for use by all private
producers, public schools and institutions.

17. The City of Akron never requested and Time Warner did not provide any
additional PEG channels.

18. Pursuant to Section 13(N) of the Agreement, Time Warner was required to make
available a studio in the City of Akron for the production of local origination and
community service programming and to train residents on the use of equipment
and production methods.

19. Pursuant to Section 13(N) of the Agreement, Time Warner was also required to
provide equipment and a mobile production van as listed in Exhibit [B] attached
to the Agreement. Time Warner was required to maintain such equipment of
comparable quality and capability.

20. Local program producers could provide tapes to Time Warner for showing over
the community access channel subject to local formatting and production rules
and restrictions. Time Warner provided the service free to local producers from
1983 until April 1, 2005.

21. Per relevant provisions of Section 13 of the Agreement, charges, fees or deposits,
if any, for the use of the community access channel were subject to approval by
the City of Akron, pursuant to Section 16.

22. Section 16 provides, in part, that Time Warner reserves the right to promulgate
rules and regulations under the Agreement; however, “before such rules shall
become effective, they shall be subject to approval of the Akron Public Utilities
Commissioner, whose approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.”

23. From approximately 1999 through the present, citizens of Akron raised
complaints about sexually explicit material appearing on the community access
channel. Pursuant to local programming rules, Time Warner does not pre-screen
tapes for explicit material; however, the program producer is required to notify
Time Warner, by filing out Form B, that a tape contains such material.

24. Time Warner can restrict showing adult-oriented material from 12:00 midnight
until 5:00 a.m.

25. As a response to citizen complaints, Time Warner proposed community
programming rules changes to the City of Akron in December, 2004. Time
Warner’s proposals were subsequently revised; however, new rules changes were
promulgated on or about January 1, 2005.

26. Time Warner submitted the changes to the City of Akron.

27. At the time the rules changes were submitted to the City of Akron, the City did
not have an acting Public Utilities Commissioner. On March 1, 2005, Mayor Don
Plusquellic authorized and approved the new regulations.

28. The regulations include:
• Only residents of Akron, Barberton, Cuyahoga Falls, Modadore, Munroe Falls,
and Wadsworth Township may submit programs for Channel 15 (the local
community access channel).
• Programming submitted from the above communities will only be shown in
Summit County.
• Substantially all of a program’s content must be from locally produced sources.
• An administration fee of $25.00 per program will be required with the
submission of each tape.
• Program producers must, upon request, be able to offer proof that they have
obtained copyright clearance for the material they present
The effective date of the new regulations was April 1, 2005.

29. Time Warner notified local program producers of the new regulations per a letter
dated March 7, 2005 from William Jasso, Vice President of Public Affairs for
Time Warner.

30. Defendant’s actions and conduct of implementing new rules and regulation
regarding local programming on the community access channel without
substantial justification will result in the violation of Plaintiff’s First Amendment
constitutional right to freedom of speech.

31. Time Warner’s implementation of the rules and regulations resulted in editorial
control over the public access channel.

32. Time Warner has failed to meet the requirements of the Franchise Agreement

33. Plaintiff has suffered damage as a direct and proximate result of defendants’
action and conduct as more fully described in this Complaint.

Violation of Free Speech

34. Plaintiff reasserts the foregoing allegations 1 through 33 and incorporates them by
reference as if fully set forth herein.

35. Defendants’ conduct, under color of state action, was intended to limit
programming based on its content.

36. Defendants’ actions and conduct, jointly and severally, constitute a violation of
Plaintiff’s First Amendment right of free speech without compelling justification.

37. As a result of Defendants’ actions and conduct, Plaintiff will suffer a loss of
fundamental constitutional rights and economic damage.

38. Plaintiff seeks a good faith extension of the law to include public access channels
as public fora consistent with Justice Kennedy’s dissenting opinion in Denver
Area Educational Telecommunications Consortium, Inc. v. FCC, 517 U.S. 727

Violation of 47 U.S.C. §531(e)

39. Plaintiff reasserts the foregoing allegations 1 through 38 and incorporates them by
reference as if fully set forth herein.

40. Time Warner is a cable operator as defined by 47 U.S.C. §522(5).

41. Plaintiff is a local program producer.

42. Time Warner’s conduct in implementing new rules and regulations resulted in
editorial control over local producers’ use of the public access channel.

43. Plaintiff does not submit programming containing obscenity, indecency or nudity.

44. As a result of Defendant’s action and conduct, Plaintiff’s programs have been
removed from the public access channel and Plaintiff has suffered economic

State Law Breach of Contract

45. Plaintiff reasserts the foregoing allegations 1 through 44 and incorporates them by
reference as if fully set forth herein.

46. Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code § 733.59 and Ohio Revised Code § 2721, Plaintiff
asserts violations of state law.

47. Plaintiff is a resident of the City of Akron and is a local program producer as
approved by Time Warner.

48. Defendant, City of Akron, is a chartered municipal corporation situated in the
Northern District of Ohio.

49. Pursuant to O.R.C. §2721.12, the parties of interest in this case have been made
parties to this action.

50. City of Akron has failed to require and Time Warner has failed to conduct
community ascertainment studies as required by the Agreement, Section 13(L).

51. Time Warner failed to make available additional Community Service Channels
for educational or institutional programming after the system was expanded per
the Agreement, Section 13(M).

52. Time Warner has failed to maintain production facilities as required under the
Agreement, Section 13(N).

53. Plaintiff has suffered economic harm as a result of Time Warner’s breach of
contract and the City of Akron’s failure to enforce the Agreement and prays for
enforcement of the Agreement.

WHEREFORE, plaintiff requests that this Court enter judgment and order relief
as follows:

A. Declare that the acts and conduct of defendants constitute violations of the
First and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States and the Civil
Rights Act of 1871, 42 U.S.C. §1983;

B. Direct defendants, their agents, employees or any other person acting
independently or in concert with defendants, take all necessary steps to refrain from
interfering with, abridging or restricting plaintiff’s right of free speech through any
methods, policies, procedures, and/or regulations;

C. Direct defendants to take all necessary steps to modify and/or establish
rules and regulations which afford and insure fundamental notions of fairness as they
apply to Plaintiff and others with respect to rights under the First Amendment to the
Constitution of the United States;

D. Direct defendants, their agents, employees or any other person acting
independently or in concert with defendants, take all necessary steps to refrain from
interfering with, abridging or exerting editorial control over Plaintiff’s rights through any
methods, policies, procedures, and/or regulations;

E. Direct defendants to take all necessary steps to enforce the contractual
obligations under the Franchise Agreement;

F. Grant to plaintiff and against defendants, jointly and severally, appropriate
compensatory damages and punitive damages, along with costs and attorney’s fees as
expressly provided by statute;

G. Grant any additional relief this Court deems just and equitable.
Respectfully submitted,

/s/Warner Mendenhall /s/Daniel Leffler
Union Point Union Point
190 North Union St., Suite 201 190 North Union St., Suite 201
Akron, Ohio 44304 Akron, Ohio 44304
330-535-9160 330-253-5996
Fax: 330-762-9743 Fax: 330-762-9743


Plaintiff requests a jury trial.