Played By: Tai
Type: Reptile Digimon
Group: Vaccine
Intraining Stage: Koromon
Rookie Stage: Agumon
Champion Stage: Greymon
Ultimate Stage: MetalGreymon
Mega Ultimate Stage: WarGreymon
Best Pal and
Partner: Taichi Kamiya
Attack: Pepper Breath
Extra Info: Agumon's eyes
change different colors as he digivolves. Koromon's eyes are red. Agumon's
eyes are green. Greymon's eyes are Red,. Metal greymon's eyes are blue.
I think Wargreymon's eyes are green. It is like the eye color skips a digivolving
stage or something. Maybe his eyes could not make up their mind on which
color they like. ~_^
Extra Info: Unfortunally
or fortunally, agumon is exactly like Tai. His attitude, his strength,
even his bravery is exactly like him. No matter what, Agumon will always
be by Tai's side and agree to whatever he wishes. Agumon is pretty famous
as just a digimon, he is always the first one to digivolve into the new
stage. Agumon is brave and sometimes a little dumb. None the less, he has
an excellent heart and follows Tai to protect him whereever he goes. For
agumon knows he will always be there to protect Tai and digivolve to defeat
the enemy.