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Columbus' 4th Voyage of Discovery
           by Warren A.White
The Paintings on this page have been inspired by the shipwreck, La Vizcaina found by Warren A. White. The other shipwrecks, the Capitana and the Santiago, from Columbus' 4th and final Voyage of Discovery are also represented. Don't miss the link below the paintings on this page to an interesting report about the Vizcaina written by Warren A. White attesting to this find and extensive historical research concerning this important archaeological site..
La Vizcaina--Above you may find the la Vizcaina stripped of her rigging and left to time in Playa Dama, Panama.
Decision Made-Depicted in the painting above is Christopher Columbus making his decision to cut his losses and abandon la Vizcaina.
Jamaica Bay--- A depiction of the Capitana and the Santiago from Columbus' ill fated fourth voyage may be seen here as it ended up abandoned in Jamaica in 1503.
Painted pictures are nothing more than a porthole where Dreams of the the artist can be viewed by others; starting on a canvas and conveyed to others through reflections of the artists mind, quick snapshots frozen for all time to be viewed again and again.
A Report  on La Vizcaina
la Vizcaina Report