Romulan History

.....Editor's Forward:For the sake of those beings unfamiliar with the Rihannsu (Romulan) language, certain words and phrases will be translated throughout this text into the generally more familiar Federation standard terms. Please keep in mind that this text was written by Romulans, for Romulans.... therefore "we", in this context, indicates the Romulans (Rihannsu).


Rihannsu History

.....Rihannsu history, like that of most sentient species, is shrouded in the mysteries of the past. It is not only possible, but entirely probable, that much of what we have been taught as historical fact is, in actuality, a mixture of fact, legend, and suppositions. According to one prevailing Rihannsu religion, the planets ch'Rihan ("of the Declared", a.k.a. Romulus) and ch'Havran (of the Travelers, a. k. a. Remus) were seeded with Vulcanoids eons ago by a benevolent alien race called "The Great Brothers" (The Preservers). Another prevailing (and possibly more likely theory), is that the Rihannsu (the Declared) were originally a faction of the Vulcan people who split apart from their Vulcan brothers just after the great Ahk (the ancient war between the Vulcan race and the Orions). This theory postulates that certain of the wiser ancient Vulcans believed that the emergent teachings of the cowardly Vulcan philosopher Surak were responsible for leaving their planet vulnerable to the attack of the aliens. Following this great war, these dissenting Vulcans banded together. Using the captured alien space-faring technologies, this small segment of the population determinedly set out through interstellar space to locate suitable home worlds where they could live as they believed appropriate, without the emphasis on logic and passivity that was emerging as the prevailing force of their stay-at-home Vulcan brothers. The trip was long (almost 100 years before suitable planets were located) and fraught with danger on every side. It is postulated that only a small portion of the original fleet of ships could have actually survived the treacherous journey. Whichever theory is correct, the one genetically certain, although still dogmatically unpopular, fact is ...that at one time (in the actually not-so-distant past) Vulcans and Rihannsuwere a single race.

.....The earliest known settlements of the Rihannsu are thought to have occurred on the planet ch'Rihan. Archeologists believe these early settlements were located near the present day cities of Caranam, Portora, Kannssarum, Labasasz, Dinalla, Pulla'd, and Farrad. Whether or not similar settlements were made on ch'Havran at this same time (or up to several centuries later) is not truly known. What is abundantly clear however, is that these early settlements soon developed into city states and, true to their violent Vulcan heritage, began to war with each other to obtain the scarce resources of the planet. Within this atmosphere of continual aggression, it was only a matter of time before a strong warlord emerged and forcefully united the warring factions. According to legend, this warlord, T'Rehu (a.k.a. The Ruling Queen)*, governed for about 20 years before being militarily deposed by a coalition of certain of the more warlike clans of the eastern continents of ch'Havran . In place of the Ruling Queen, a tricameral house of Praetorate and Senate was developed that governed both worlds in relative stability and with only small, localized instances of civil war for several thousand years.

.....* Editor's note: It may come as a surprise to certain of the more backward of the sentient species, but among the Romulan population it is quite often the females of the species who show the most aggressive, possessive tendencies and the calculating cleverness necessary for efficient military leadership..

.....During this time of relative peace and prosperity, we developed much of our classic sciences, literature, the arts (music, painting, and sculpture), and, of course, the art of war. (See culture page ).

However, this renaissance period came to an abrupt halt in approximately 1600 AS (after settlement by the modern calendar) when a Federation vessel arrived and began surveying the area of our homeworlds (ch'Rihan and ch'Havran). The arrival of this alien vessel understandably threw both worlds into a furious panic. The ancient legends of the treacherous aliens that had once before almost exterminated our race had never been truly forgotten. We had learned that hard lesson well. Outworlders can NEVER be trusted. We were determined that this time, the outcome would be different! Although our scientists knew that they were outmatched in the amazing technology manifested by the enemy ship, our military leaders wisely recognized and planned to use our one true advantage - sheer, overwhelming numbers.

By the time additional intruders arrived, we had constructed over 7,000 small vessels (impulse powered with particle beam weapons). All the alien invading ships were systematically destroyed with the exception of the USS Stone Mountain which was captured, dismantled, and studied. Our valiant fleet sustained staggering loses. Yet this hard won victory for our people was crucial in that it allowed the addition of warp drive to our space fleet.* Amazingly, in the face of their own overwhelming losses, the aliens were very persistent and had to be beaten back from our space time and time again. Finally, their losses became so great, that they sued for peace. A treaty was negotiated over subspace radio (for we obviously could not trust these treacherous creatures to honor a flag of truce or to meet in person). This treaty stipulated a band of space, a so-called neutral zone, one light year thick, between our space and that of the outworlders.

*Link to memorial pages

.....And now we wait, ....and build more and better planetary defense systems ... and faster, more deadlier space craft. For it is, of course, only a matter of time, before the treacherous enemy will return. In the meantime, colonizing of the recently discovered suitable additional planets in the spinward cycle proceeds... though not as quickly as we would like. Even if our beloved homeworlds are totally destroyed by the alien devils, we Rihannsu will continue.

Rihannsu shad elet! Rihannsu shad onre!

Rihannsu Culture

Noble Houses


