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Welcome to the Washingtonville, NY Class of 1988 Website

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As many of you know, our 20-year reunion is fast approaching. As time continues, this page will be updated with information on the reunion, events, and accomodations available for the reunion weekend. Right now, it is looking like the reunion will be held the weekend of August 8-9, 2008 in the Washingtonville area. The Reunion Committee is hard at work finalizing the details. Once they are complete, this page will be updated with the information.

If you are finding this page for the first time, please email us with your contact information. We can be reached at the following email address:

Click here to e-mail John your contact information (

HELP US FIND OLD CLASSMATES !!! Unfortunately, we cannot find everyone, but you can help. Please take a look at the list below and notify our MISSING IN ACTION of this website. Get them to send us their contact information so we can notify them of the fast approaching reunion.

Missing In Action - (102)


Harry Acebes

Greg Barbuto

Steven Beattie

John Biagini

Cheryl Bosico

Frances Bourke

Cooper Bowden

Wendy Brooks

Jennifer Buccellato

Edmond Buscemi

Andrew Capson

Michael Caraway

Claudine Cavallo

Robert Coleman

Lucille Colombo

Jennifer Conklin

Deirdre Coppin

Christopher Cox

Alicia Crisp

Bryce Delaney

Julie Delaney

Rosemarie Dolan

Carmine Dolce

Sean Duffy

Wallace Dwight

David Entenmann

Robert Ferguson

Daniel Figliomeni

Deborah Fine

Michael Fitzgerald

Carole Diane Flynn

Lucy Fonseca

Katherine Fontanez

Peter Gallagher

Thomas Gallagher

Christine Goll

Todd Gonzalez

James Gralton

Charles Green

Timothy Grove

Erin Hall

Collette Hallinan

Cynthia Harris

Robery Hennessy

Linda Hofstad

Michael Hulse

Lovey Ingram

Viveca Johannisson

LaWanda Jones

George Kelly

Jennifer Kinsley

Jared Klumpp

T.J. Kotwica Jr.

Stefan Kurth

Cecila Lavander

James Lewis

Sean Lewis

Kristina Linker

Tim Losito

Frank Lulgjuraj

John Marchie

Kelly Marsh

Lorraine Martinek

Curtis McGee

Lisa Meakim

Cherly Merlucci

Michele Miller

Alesa Mitchell

Tara O'Day

Matthew O'Konsky

Nikki Parham

Zeeba Pavri

Brian Peppiatt

Michael Phillips

Kimberly-Ann Pirrone

David Ramos

Joanne Ramos

Stephen Ring

Raymont Rodgers

Mario Rubino

John Ryan

Garth Sandford

Mauro Sarmiento

Eric Schmitt

David Scott

Charles Shelton

Richard Solis

Dawn Stabler

Patricia Starr

Thuan Ta

Joseph Thompson

Kwan Thornton

Maureen Toscani

Paul Tyrrell

Lisa Valentin

Joseph Valerio

Steven Vincenzo

Tracie Wagner

Thomas Williamee

Richard Williams

Elizabeth Wittich

Thomas Wutch