Washington Old Hall Chapter

Washington England UK

National Society Daughters of the American Revolution





Washington Old Hall Chapter, NSDAR

From the Regent's Quill

The members of Washington Old Hall Chapter sponsored the commemorative celebration of George Washington's birthday at RAF Menwith Hill Station.
To honour the Father of Our Country on his birthday, the chapter invited RAF Menwith Hill Station military command staff, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, local school children, base civilian employees, and friends of the chapter to a ceremony at the American Flagpole.

The base chaplain opened the ceremony with an invocation. The military Colour Guard from all four military branches accompanied the Chapter Regent Patricia Everts to the flagpole to lay a floral tribute. The assembled group then recited the Pledge of Allegiance led by a Cub Scout. The ceremony continued with speeches by the base commander, the naval liaison officer, and the chapter regent. The chapter regent was presented with a U.S. Navy ceremonial coin in appreciation for service to the Station. The ceremony concluded with chapter members Jeanie Gonering, Gloria Hassall and chapter friend Jacqueline Haugseng joining the Regent, and Colour Guard for photographs by the base newspaper photographer. Although the English winter weather was cold, windy, and pouring with rain, it did not diminish the attendance or enthusiasm of the crowd.

(permission granted to take photos of children)

After the ceremony the chapter members proceeded to the RAF Menwith Hill Station Library to donate four books and another annual subscription of the American Spirit Magazine. Chapter Literacy Chairman Jeanie Gonering accompanied by chapter members made the presentation to the head librarian while the base newspaper recorded the event. After a productive albeit wet morning the group went to Betty's Tea Room at Harrogate for warm tea and lunch.

Left to right: Chapter friend Jacqueline with chapter members Jeanie,

Gloria, and Patricia donating books to RAF Menwith Hill Station library.


Later in the evening chapter regent and her husband Rick Hodder attended the annual Friends of Washington Old Hall 'Geordie Supper' in the 17th century Washington Old Hall Property Manor House. A new display is being created inside the Manor House to highlight the special association between Washington Old Hall Chapter and the property. The evening ended with those attending the Supper singing Happy Birthday to George Washington. It was a fitting conclusion to a perfect day of honouring George Washington on his birthday.


During the month of March, the base library is promoting DAR and Washington Old Hall Chapter by displaying all the books donated by the chapter over the years plus a copy of the American Spirit Magazine in the main library display case. In addition the display is featuring data about the history of DAR, the chapter and membership information.

Patricia Everts
Regent, Washington Old Hall Chapter, United Kingdom



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