
1928 - 1995

Last night I took your outstretched hand
and watched our past
from beyond the clouds.

My feet floated on wisp of memories
as we played the games of love
we knew so well.

Your eyes were brighter than the northern lights
that sifted through thoughts of years,
and embraces drenched with tears.

Friends drifted by with glances of approval
while we were drowning in words
of golden times, words before unspoken.

Eternity froze the bond of, "I do,"
that death tried to steal when
He took you from me ¾ that morning in May.

The oneness of the wonder, the miracle of it all
that sealed two souls together, forgetting autumn
forgetting the leaves yet to fall.

My trembling hand slipped from yours
as I turned upon my bed. It glowed with
touch of loneliness, as I pressed it gently to my lips.

by Walt Barger
January 2, 2002