The South Carolina Midlands Wiccans and Pagans PPD event isn't about any one group or individual.
It is about the pagan community at large. In order for the PPD event to work smoothly
it takes many volunteers and to make it a true community event we welcome help from anyone regardless of path, coven affiliation etc. PPD needs you!

There are many ways to help with this years event. Below is the list of open positions with a brief description of the responsibilities. If you are willing to help out in any of these positions please send me an email with your name, telephone number and where you want to help. The number of people listed are the least number needed. The more people who volunteer the less work each person has to do! Please do not volunteer if you are not sincere and cannot work at least 2 hours. You may be asked to work longer if we don't get enough help.

Children's coordinator assistants - will assist the children's activity coordinator,  with the planned activities and in watching the children. If you sign up for this job
your contact information will be forwarded. 3 people needed.

Registration Table - Welcome attendees as they arrive, pass out name badges and event brochure, have them fill out the registration sheet and direct them where to deposit their donations. Candy Johnson is in Charge of this she will need at least 6 people to help her.

Donation coordinators - Amber Kershaw will be responsible for seeing the donations are received and separated into their proper boxes as well as help deliver to the charities of the event. This years charities are Harvest Hope Food Bank and the Wild life Animal Fund. 4 people needed

Food vending table - Sell drinks, snack items and any other food that PPD sells to help offset next years costs. You will be handling money and making change as well as providing a welcome service to attendees. We need several (4) people as well as one "head chef" ( Joann B.)who will be responsible for the  area and making sure the funds get handed over to the treasurer at the end of the event.

Set-up and tear down committees - worst jobs available! Help set up and break down tables, help vendors in and out of the building, help the main ritual coordinator with any setup and break down they may need, watch for overflowing trashcans and put in new bags, walk the grounds after and during the event to pick up trash. 4 setup and 4 teardown. Set up people will need to be there at 830AM on Saturday.Tear down people will need to stay until 6PM. You are welcome to do both if you want to!

Security - quietly and unobtrusively watch the area to make sure nobody is getting out of hand, that nobody is carrying a ritual blade, smoking pot, drinking alcohol, or becoming obnoxious. Also helping to watch any outside vendor areas.4 people needed. Security coordinator is Frank Causey. If you volunteer for this job your contact information will be forwarded to him.

Herald - If you have big lungs and need to get out aggression this is the job for you. You get to yell at the top of your lungs to announce workshop start times, ritual start times and any general announcements that become necessary.  4 people

Want to help but don't want to work???? You can lend or donate the following items....
Two-way radios - if you have a pair we would LOVE to borrow them.

Auction donations - we need items to auction off in our charity auction.  Half the funds generated go to our charities and the other half to next years event. Without your donations there won't be an auction.

Children's activities supplies - If you would like to donate supplies, email me and I will send you a list of what is needed.

Coolers and ice - Can you donate some ice and let us borrow a cooler? This is to keep the drinks we will be selling cold.

Your positive thoughts - as the date approaches we'd appreciate your good thoughts at making it a great weather day! If it rains we might have to cancell

Questions? Shoot me an email