I know that my webpage is still very basic is not fully complete yet. I will extend on it when I find the time k? In the meantime the only features I have put into it is a bunch of nice animations, music and game links~~ So see what I have done and feel free to comment on it :)

Oh yeah, before I forget, suggestions would be of a great help too!!! So give me some ideas as to what I should add into this webpage next~~ Cheers~~ ^_^

These are a few of the internet based online games that you should check out if you are interested in these kind of games.

The following may be slightly messy and unorganised cause I am going to add nice stuff that I have found but no time to organise it yet, so here they are~~ Nice game motto to use:
Vie with the best,
Die like the rest.

If U passed, continue on, here is Ur reward.
Cause we R FRIENDS!!!
If not, then...

Juz joking!!! I'm not tt bad~~~ :)

Here's somethings contributed by someone.

Check out these cool animations tt I have found from the internet.
Some may take some time to load for those who server's are not as fast, but it is definitely worth it~~ :)
Bin Laden's Special Song
I want a fatbabe
Right or wrong?
Happy Birthday

Triumph: The insult comic dog
Starwar Nerds
Bon Jovi Concert
Westminster Dog Show

After reading this, you can e-mail me if you have any comments or suggestions that you might want to make.

Me and my Cuzzy