This is pretty ridiculous on my part.  I believe this is only the third time semester that I will be updating my web site.  I’ve been back at Buffalo for about two and a half months now and I’ve only gotten around to updating this page 3 times, and one of those times was the first week I was back!!  It’s not that I don’t like updating the site, it’s just that I don’t often think about it, and when I do I don’t either have the time or the ambition to update the page.  It also doesn’t help that Geocities isn’t making my life easy to upload new pages so instead of taking 30 seconds like it used to I know have to upload a lot of the files separately, which takes a lot longer.

          Quite a number of things have happened since I last updated.  Most of the family (excluding Ryan) came out to Buffalo for homecoming weekend and the week after that I went home to celebrate Pop-Pop’s 70th birthday.  We put together a collector’s edition of the Watkins Monthly for him.  If you didn’t see it and would like to take a look, tell me and I’ll see if I can get you a copy, electronically or otherwise.

          If I had been writing this a week ago I would be saying that winter had struck Buffalo, however, this weekend we are having a bit of an Indian Summer.  The last day or so we’ve had temperatures in the 60s, which is up quite a bit from the 30s and low 40s we’ve been having.  Not that I expect it to last long, but it’s still nice to be able to walk outside without a coat on for a few days.  Pretty soon it won’t be safe to venture outside without three layers of long johns on.

          As far as this site goes I don’t plan to be making many large changes with this update.  I figured I’d just make the general update so if people are taking a look at the site they don’t think I’ve abandoned it.  At some point I’d like to put a JAVA game up that’s I’ve been working on, but I’ve been having a little trouble getting the applet to load some files so I’ll have to see what I can do about that.


On the Web!

Updated 11/10/02!!