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  • No stallions, dogs, children (under 18) or electronic music shall be allowed on treks and at trek camps.

  • Members, and their guests, shall at all times behave so as not to impinge on the enjoyment of others while taking part in any of the club's activities.

  • Non members may be granted non - voting membership for the purpose of participating in a WAHTC event by paying the prescribed fee, such membership to be effective only for the duration that the non member participated in that particular event.

  • Members shall have first call on places in treks or other club activities. If all places are not taken, these may be offered to non members on such terms as the Executive think appropriate.

  • Where a place has been booked, and a member is unable to attend a trek, no refund shall be given. At the Executive's discretion the place may be allocated to another suitable applicant thus enabling the member to recoup the money paid.

  • If a person is unable to attend a trek and transfer their booking to another applicant, then the final payment made may be credited to future treks for up to two years. Deposits paid are non-refundable and non-transferable to future treks.

  • Media matters shall be absolutely at the President's discretion, only the President, or a member specifically authorised by the President, shall speak on behalf of the club.

  • The authority of the Executive is absolute whilst on the trek, and a member or participant may be asked not to ride, or drive, if his or her horse is, in the opinion of the Executive, unfit. If the members conduct is unacceptable, or their horse is, in the opinion of the Executive, a health hazard or a danger they may be asked to leave.

  • A new member shall pay a joining fee, the amount to be set from time to time by the Executive. A joining fee shall not be refunded upon a member leaving the club.

  • All the participants must have yards approved by the Executive. They must meet requirements of C.A.L.M., other Government and Local Authorities and private property owners. All care must be taken to ensure horses do not damage trees and vegetation.

  • All horsefeed used on Treks must meet requirements of C.A.L.M., other Government and Local Authorities and private property owners. The Committee will advise all participants prior to each trek how feed is to be organised.

  • Any horse outside its yard must be fully supervised at all times.

  • Visitors may be allowed to attend treks and trek camps subject to the approval of the committee.


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ABN 77 820 635 660
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