<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/waverunner_pract/AndreaBocelliCelineDion_ThePrayer.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Need rest and peace.......... Matthew 11:25-30
Worry.............................. Matthew 6:19-34
Are loney or fearful.......... Psalm 23
Need peace of mind.... John 14:27; Philippians 4:6-8
Are dissapointed by people........................ Psalm 27 Grow bitter or critical................. I Corinthians 13
Have sinned................................Psalm 51; I John 1
Are discouraged......................... Psalm 34
Feel God seems far away........... Psalm 139
Think the world seems bigger than God........Psalm 90
Are sick.......................................Psalm 41
Feel sorrowful............................ John 14; Psalm 46
Are in danger............................ Psalm 91
Want courage.......................... Joshua 1:1-9
Need assurance....................... Romans 8
Forget your blessings.............. Psalm 103
Are looking for joy................. Colossians 3
Leave home to travel.............. Psalm 121
Think of investments............. Mark 10:17-31
Need guidelines
for living...............................Matthew 5-7; Romans 12
Need rules of conduct............Exodus 20:1-17
Need to know God's will
for your life.......................... Proverbs 3:1-6
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