Ok, this classic is about a dork, named....Hoax, who looks up to his older cousin since hes soooo cool(sarcasm). Anyway he sees his cousin is calling this HORRORscope number and decides to check it out. he follows everything the "guy on the other line" says and suddenly becomes a satanistic little boy. he kills his mom and his whole house turns into hell. funny thing is when it finally shows a city scene, its always at about 4 in the morning, so no one else is on the street, cause they couldn't afford the extra actors(maybe thinking the extra actors would out-act the star actors). anyway, the detective on the case goes to the house with the cousin to sort things out. the cousin finally pushes him into a large pit that has formed in the house, to be locked in hell forever. with raining fish, a Hoax spree crash into a fence, and a loser guy who runs the satan radio channel named Mark Dark, along with hoax after turning into the devil, trying to get in a card game with "2 hearts" and a dear head in the back of the local cafe in the city, this is definatley in the Cheese Theatre Hall of Fame
QUOTE OF THE MOVIE: "I'll take the coffee, since there's such a wide selection"