This bore-fest gets a one, because there was 2 funny parts in the whole movie and the rest was incredibly gay. One funny part was in the beginning where the little girl throws mud on some bikers(the girl on the bike was earlier being raped by the guy on the bike) then the bikers spin out of control, hit a bump, and fall on strategically placed death spikes 10 feet tall. The other funny part is when a fat kid dancing on the roof, falls off the roof. The plot was the teacher(the little girl from earlier) is having a prank pulled on her that makes her think of her past and go on a killing spree(of 3 people). Oh, and this movie has NOTHING to do with the high school, they show high school footage for literally 5 minutes. They go to pull the prank, the "Fonze" tries to rape the teacher and she goes psycho and kills him, that's all there is to know really.