This movie is a classic, everyone who has a life has AT LEAST heard of this one. Clowns come from outer space, capture humans, put them in cotton candy, and ship them back to their planet. They setup a space ship which looks like a circus tent in a small town and capture people in funny ways. They have a popcorn shooting gun, cotton candy gun, balloon gun(director got real creative with the firearms). So the 3 main people go to get a girl that was caught by the clowns and put in the tent. While in there, they find the main boss clown and the cop kills the clown by taking his badge off and popping the clown's nose. They make it out, the space ship takes off, and explodes. Some classic scenes:
1)A clown is making shadow puppets on the wall at the bus stop, he makes a bus and a city and all the people are cheering him on. then he makes a dinosaur, which eats the people waiting at the bus stop
2)A clown is doing a puppet show, and some loser comes up to watch, well after a little bit a show, theres a little bit a cotton candy, as the clown raises up from behind the stand and shoots the dumb kid