This is a German dub, there isn't much to say because nothing really happens. its about a killer elevator, i mean how many creative deaths are there? anyhow, the "hero" is an elevator repair man and this reporter bimbo hook up to do some investigating on the lift. the only really funny death was when this guy got his head stuck in the elevator door and the lift came down, of course right when his head was gonna get smashed, they switched views and it showed the fakest looking head you've ever seen being severed. this movie was kinda disturbing too cause a blind guy died, thats just not right. the movie ended when the "hero" saw some slime at the top and hit it with his wrench, everytime he hit the slime, the shaft came up and hit him. the elevator dropped to the ground and the cable wrapped around the maker of the lifts neck and took him down and he died.
QUOTE OF THE MOVIE-repoter says "We're here to examine your shaft"