Guitar Amps and Effects:
Stage rig is currently a Mesa F-30 and Fender Champ run out of the Mesa's effects send, controlled by an
Axxess Electronics CFX-4 with a Carl Martin Comp, Bud-Wah+, Ibanez TS-9, Roger Mayer Octavia, Carl Martin Chorus X II, Maxon Flanger, Line6 Mod Pro and Echo Pro, and a Korg DTR-2. The brains of the operation, the Digital Music GCX is mounted in the rear with a Furman RP-8, and a Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2 supplies pedal juice. All cues come from the Ground Control Pro. Amps in reserve (Should I ever need the Volume...) Fender Twin Reverb, Fender Bandmaster Head, a 1961 Fender Bassman Head, a Fender 2x12 Cabinet, and a Mesa 4x12 Cabinet. B/U effects include a Mesa/Boogie V-Twin, Boss Compressor, Ibanez Graphic EQ, Ibanez PDM-8, and a Dunlop Crybaby. I'm wanting to sell off everything over 18 watts, and buy a damn Mesa Road King.