Basic Affair Support Board Abbreviations/Acronyms

Because of the nature of DDLewis' board some new acronyms have been created to hopefully keep confusion down.

A = Affair

BH = Betrayed Husband
BS = Betrayed Spouse
BP = Betrayed Partner (for DDLewis's board)
BS = Betrayed Wife

D-Day = the Day the affair was discovered
DV = Domestic Violence
DVC = Divorce (some use DV but it can be confused with Domestic Violence
DVC-Day = Divorce Day (sdome use DV-day)

EMA = Extra Martial Affair
EMR = Extra Martial Relastionship
ERA = Extra Relationship Affair (for DDLewis's board)
EN = Emotional Needs

FH = Faithful Husband (Same as BH)
FS = Faithful Spouse ("betrayed" - same as BS)
FP = Faithful Partner (Same as BP)
FW = Faithful Wife(Same as BW)

H = Husband

IC = Individual Counseling or Individual Counselor

MB = Marriage Builders
MC = Marriage Counseling or Marriage Counselor
MLC = Mid-Life Crisis
MM = Married Man
MP = Married Partner
MW = Married Woman

OC = Other child
OM = Other Man
OMP = Other Man's Partner (for DDLewis's board)
OMW = Other Man's Wife
OP = Other Person
OPP = Other Person's Partner
OPS = Other Persons's Spouse
OW = Other Woman
OWH = Other Woman's Husband
OWP = Other Woman's Partner (for DDLewis's board)

P = Partner (for DDLewis's board)
PA = Physical Affair

S = Spouse
SAHD = Stay At Home Dad
SAHM = Stay At Home Mom
SAHP = Stay At Home Partner
STBXH = Soon to be x husband
STBXP = Soon to be x partner
STBXS = Soon to be x spouse
SRBXW = Soon to be x wife
SO = Significant Other

TOM = The Other Man
TOW = The Other Woman also refers to the TOW board

W = Wife
WH = Wayward Husdand ("betrayer")
WP = Wayward Partner ("betrayer")
WS = Wayward Spouse ("betrayer")
WW = Wayward Wife ("betrayer")
WAH = Walk Away Husband
WAP = Walk Away Partner
WAW = Walk Away Wife
