God created the world!

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and divine nature, so that they are without excuse.
(Romans 1:20 – NKJV)
Living organisms contain many natural life support systems. A system is “a group of elements that function together as a whole” (Webster’s II – New Riverside Dictionary). A life support system is any system that supports the existence of living organisms such as plants, insects, animals, and human beings. Natural life support systems that living organisms have include their bodies as well as their cardiovascular, respiratory, skeletal, nervous, muscular, and reproductive systems. In fact all living organisms have various life support systems including even the most simple living organisms. For example, the single celled amoeba has both a digestive system and a reproductive system. All of these systems interact, interrelate, or are interdependent with each other and all of them are complex and sophisticated and are required to exist in exacting ways in order for them to work. Without these systems, living organisms cannot exist.

The question that needs to be answered is how did these complex, sophisticated life support systems come to exist?

The answer modern science has come up with is that living organism’s many various complex, sophisticated life support systems have come into existence through a chemical reaction and the process of evolution. To be exact, they teach that living organisms complete with onboard life support systems that allow them to exist originated from a chemical reaction in a primeval (primitive) soup of chemicals. Specifically they teach that a chemical reaction in this primeval soup three or four billion years ago created the first single celled living organism called “LUCA”, short for “Last Universal Common Ancestor”, complete with a body as well as a digestive and reproductive system. They also teach that living organisms were further developed through the process of evolution, which in so doing further developed living organism’s bodies and onboard life support systems. Specifically they teach that through the process of evolution all living organisms on the planet, and with them all of the many different kinds and types of onboard life support systems, evolved from LUCA.

Personally I find it impossible to believe this teaching of modern science. Specifically, I find it impossible to believe that living organism’s many various complex, sophisticated life support systems have come into existence through a chemical reaction and the process of evolution.

Chemical reactions

Regarding a chemical reaction creating the first onboard life support systems that would have given LUCA, the first living organism, the ability to exist and reproduce, to my understanding chemical reactions cannot create complex, sophisticated life support systems. I believe they can affect life support systems, that they can be a part of them, and that they can even create pre-organic life such as amino acids, however I don’t believe that they can create working onboard digestive and reproductive systems that would allow a living organism to exist individually and as a multiplying species. To my understanding no one in the entire history of the world has ever observed a chemical reaction create a complex, sophisticated onboard life support system either in nature or in a controlled laboratory experiment. In fact I believe that in a controlled laboratory experiment, one trillion out of one trillion times, a chemical reaction would never create a complex, sophisticated system that could support life such as a digestive or reproductive system. As such I actually believe that it is an absolute impossibility for a chemical reaction to do this.

Modern science of course does not agree. To my understanding their theory states that under the right conditions a chemical reaction is capable of creating both a digestive system and a reproductive system. They also believe that under the right conditions a chemical reaction is capable of giving the first living organism the breath of life. I however believe this belief exists only in their imaginations.

Reality as I understand it is that chemical reactions have never produced even the slightest piece of evidence that they are capable of creating a complex, sophisticated life support system such as a digestive system or reproductive system under any condition. They also have never produced the slightest piece of evidence that they are capable of creating life. To my judgement these things are simply beyond any chemical reaction’s abilities.

Therefore, when I combine this with the fact that biochemists and mathematicians have calculated the odds against life arising naturally to be astronomical, and the fact that many scientists themselves question if it is possible at all, I have no choice but to reject this theory all together.

Now I realise that many people will disagree with me and to those people I want to point something out.

If for some reason it were true that a chemical reaction did create “LUCA”, what that chemical reaction would amount to is a miraculous chemical reaction that had God-like abilities, able not only to create complex, sophisticated life support systems, but also to give the breath of life. I call it miraculous because doing these things are beyond the abilities of chemical reactions as we know them. I say that it had God-like abilities because creating a living organism complete with a body and a digestive and reproductive system as well giving it the breath of life are abilities normally associated with God.

All I can say is if you want to believe in a miraculous chemical reaction with God-like abilities that is your business, but I don’t. I don’t believe in Santa Claus and I don’t believe in miraculous chemical reactions. As far as I am concerned your belief is nothing more than plain science fiction.


Regarding the process of evolution further developing living organism’s onboard life support systems, to my understanding the process of evolution as stated in the Theory of Evolution also cannot create complex, sophisticated life support systems. As a matter of fact, I actually believe that it is absolutely impossible for the process of evolution to create the complex and sophisticated life support systems that are found in living organisms.

Before I explain myself, let me share my understanding of the Theory of Evolution.

As I understand it, the Theory of Evolution is based on “the process of evolution”, which is a fairly simple two part process. The first part is the process of chance mutations (changes) taking place in a living organism’s DNA, something which is quite common. The second part is the process of “natural selection”, which is a process based on the principle of survival of the fittest.

According to the web-site “howstuffworks.com” the full process of evolution involves mutations taking place in a living organism’s DNA by chance. These mutations affect the organism’s offspring, either immediately or several generations down the line. The change brought about by the mutation is either beneficial, harmful, or neutral. In fact most mutations are harmful or neutral and they rarely are beneficial. If the change is harmful it is unlikely that the offspring will survive to reproduce and the mutation subsequently dies out and goes nowhere. If the change is beneficial it is likely that the offspring will do better than other offspring and will subsequently produce more. Through reproduction the beneficial mutation spreads. The process of culling bad mutations and spreading good mutations is what is called natural selection. As mutations occur and spread over long periods of time they cause new species to form.

According to modern science this process over the course of millions and even billions of years is responsible for all of the species of life that exist in the world today, from the simplest bacteria to human beings to everything in between. As the theory goes, all living organisms come from LUCA and through this process we have all of the species of life that we have on planet earth today.

To my understanding this in a nutshell is the Theory of Evolution and as I have shared I believe that it is impossible for this process to create the complex and sophisticated life support systems that are found in living organisms.

For example, I believe that it is impossible for a flat worm without a cardiovascular system (a system involving a heart, veins/arteries, and blood) to evolve into a worm with a cardiovascular system through this process.

Let me explain myself.

If the process of evolution is to be responsible for creating a cardiovascular system in a flat worm, the specific way it would happen is by the process of numerous chance mutations taking place in the worm’s DNA over thousands of years and countless generations that would slowly make all of the changes necessary for developing a fully functioning cardiovascular system complete with a fully developed heart, veins/arteries, and blood that is fully integrated with the body’s other life support systems such as its digestive system.

In order for this to happen according to science’s theory, all of the mutations that took place that worked towards creating this fully functioning cardiovascular system would need to be beneficial mutations, mutations that helped the species do better than other offspring.

There is a serious problem with this theory however.

Suppose a mutation took place in a flat worm’s DNA that created a fully developed heart. Why would nature consider that mutation to be a beneficial mutation, one that would help the flat worm do better than other flat worms and as such become a standard part of flat worms for generations to come? Without blood, veins and arteries to complete the cardiovascular system, and without that completed cardiovascular system being fully integrated into the body’s other life support systems, that heart would literally be useless. As such under those conditions a mutation such as a heart would never be considered a beneficial mutation and thus become a standard part of a flat worm that would eventually be a part of a cardiovascular system.

Consequently to my judgement it is literally impossible for the process of evolution to create a working cardiovascular system in flat worm or any other species. And as a result of this I don’t believe that the process of evolution could ever create a life support system in any living organism.

And as a result of this I also believe that it is literally impossible for the process of evolution to create any of the life forms that exist on planet earth. Very simply, if it cannot be responsible for everything up to an including living organism’s onboard life support systems, I don’t believe it can be responsible for having anything to do with creating them.

Modern science of course does not agree.

To my understanding their theory states that the way complex, sophisticated things such as cardiovascular systems were created were not by a series of small mutations, but rather by one large mutation that fully created and integrated the system into the body one step. I however believe this belief exists only in their imaginations.

Very simply, if this were true I would liken it to getting a mutation in a computer’s operating system (I believe the technical term is a glitch) that created and fully installed a sophisticated web-design program onto the computer. Personally I don’t believe computer glitches can do things like that and I don’t believe mutations in DNA can create onboard life support systems such as cardiovascular systems. To my judgement it is something that is simply beyond anything a DNA mutation can do.

Therefore, when I combine this with the fact that there is literally no proof that a living species can evolve into another species, something that is foundational to the Theory of Evolution and logically should be a common fact of science if this theory were in fact true and responsible for all of the species on the planet, I again have no choice but to reject this theory all together.

Now I realise that many people will disagree with me and to those people I again want to point something out.

If for some reason it were true that the process of evolution did create the various life support systems we see in living organisms on the planet using DNA mutations that created and integrated them in one step, what these mutations would amount to are miraculous mutations that have God-like abilities. I call them miraculous because modern science has never observed either in nature or in a laboratory a mutation that came anywhere close to creating and fully integrating something like a cardiovascular system into a living organism. In truth beneficial mutations typically only give modest benefits, such as causing a bird’s beak to be slightly longer than other bird’s beaks. I also say that they have God-like abilities because to do something like create and fully integrate a cardiovascular system into an organism that didn’t have one is something you would imagine that only God could do.

All I can say is if you want to believe in miraculous mutations with God-like abilities that is your business, but I don’t. Again I don’t believe in Santa Claus and I don’t believe in miraculous mutations. As far as I am concerned your belief is nothing more than plain science fiction. I believe it is science fiction of the highest order, capable of deceiving some of the greatest scientific minds the world has ever known, but truly at the end of the day I believe it is truly nothing more than science fiction. In fact I actually believe that years from now history will consider this generation to be as unenlightened as the generations who believed the earth was flat and the generations who believed the earth was a stationary object and the centre of our solar system.

My answer

So if living organisms natural life support systems were not created by a chemical reaction and the process of evolution, exactly how were they, and along with them life itself on planet earth, created?

Personally I believe that an intelligent and powerful god-like being created them.

I believe this because of four reasons.

First, it is because to my understanding it theoretically is the only way possible for them to have been created.

Men much smarter than I have looked at the world’s living organisms and their life support systems (as well as the entire physical world itself) and to their highly intellectual, academic, and rational thinking, they have determined that there are only two possible theoretical answers to the question of how they were created. First, that some sort of intelligent and powerful god-like being has created them. Second, that the existing physical world itself has created them through entirely natural processes.

As I have shared, I rule out the theory that they were created through entirely natural processes. Therefore through the process of elimination, I believe the only other possible theoretical answer, specifically that some sort of intelligent and powerful god-like being has created them, must be the true answer.

To quote Conan Doyle in his book, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes,
“It is an old maxim of mine that when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”

Second, it is because common sense says that an intelligent being created living organism’s many life support systems. I say this because unlike chemical reactions and the process of evolution, it is a 100% guaranteed fact of life that intelligent beings can create complex, sophisticated life support systems. They can actually be observed regularly in the world creating life support systems. To be exact, human beings, who are intelligent beings, on a regular normal basis create complex, sophisticated life support systems in the world all the time. Life support systems they create include life support systems for living in extremely hot and cold climates, for living under water and in outer space, as well as for medical purposes. In fact intelligent beings are natural builders of complex, sophisticated life support systems because they have five natural qualities that allow them to do this. These five qualities are their will, knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and physical abilities, which allow them to design and physically build them as well as engineer them to work. Consequently, if you ever see a complex, sophisticated life support system, you can pretty much bet your entire life that an intelligent being has created it – they truly are life’s only guaranteed builders of complex, sophisticated life support systems.

To put it bluntly, it you ever want a complex, sophisticated life support system built, don’t count on a chemical reaction or the process of evolution. Instead call on an intelligent being with the will, knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and physical abilities to do the job. It’s just common sense.

Third, it is because in order for the life support systems that exist within living organisms to be created by an intelligent being, without question they must be created by a being that is much greater than human beings, specifically a being such as an intelligent and powerful god-like being. I say this because very simply these life support systems are light years beyond anything a human being could create.

Fourth, it is because I believe there exists two pieces of quality evidence to support the existence of intelligent and powerful supernatural god-like beings greater than ourselves.

Let me explain myself.

According to the Bible an invisible, eternal supernatural world exists that is every bit as real as the natural world we live in except that it is completely invisible and seemingly non-existent to us from our perspective (Colossians 1:15-16, 2 Kings 6:15-18). Within this supernatural world, according to the Bible, exists many intelligent and powerful supernatural god-like beings including God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, angels, and demons including the devil, beings who absolutely are greater than ourselves. These are the type of intelligent and powerful supernatural god-like beings I am talking about.

Regarding the quality evidence of their existence, the first evidence I have involves the simple fact of life that as a race of beings, human beings are natural believers in an invisible, eternal supernatural world, a world complete with intelligent and powerful supernatural god-like beings.

In case you are not aware of this simple fact of life, please allow me to explain it to you.

Human beings are natural believers in an invisible, eternal supernatural world, a world complete with intelligent and powerful supernatural god-like beings. In truth it is as much a natural of part of being human as migration is a natural part of being a bird and hibernation is a natural part of being a bear. We may all have different beliefs about this supernatural world and the supernatural beings who inhabit it, however as a race, we all naturally believe in it.

The facts to support this simple fact of life are comparable to the facts supporting the unquestioned reality of bird migration and bear hibernation.

First, it is a fact that an overwhelming majority of the world’s population are confessed adherents to one of the world’s many organised religions that express a belief in a supernatural world to one degree or another including beliefs in intelligent and powerful supernatural god-like beings.

Second, it is a fact that so-called “atheistic religions” such as Buddhism and Confucianism themselves contain strong elements of the belief in a supernatural world inhabited by supernatural beings. For example, Buddhism, which comes out of Hinduism, does not deny the millions of Hindu gods, while those who practice Confucianism typically also practice ancestor worship. Also, since their deaths, Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha), and Confucius have both been deified as gods among those who practice Buddhism and Confucianism.

Third, it is a fact that most people who are not confessed adherents to an organised religion still confess a belief in a supernatural world inhabited by supernatural beings. For example, the majority of Canadians do not belong to an organised religion however polls show an overwhelming majority of Canadians do believe in a god.

Fourth, it is a fact that the primitive communities that exist in the world, communities that are cut off from the world community and have no access to the world’s many organised religions, all typically practice a religion called Animism. The beliefs in Animism differ from community to community, however in all cases it involves the belief in a supernatural world inhabited by supernatural beings.

Fifth, it is a fact that the small minority of the world’s population who confess to be atheists and not believe in a supernatural world or in supernatural beings still have these beliefs existing deep inside of them. This fact is clearly seen whenever their lives are shaken to the very depth of their beings. When this happens they typically gravitate to one degree or another to a belief in a god who lives in a supernatural world. As the saying among soldiers goes
“there are no atheists in foxholes”.

Sixth, it is a fact that human beings have been like this, believers in an invisible, eternal supernatural world inhabited by supernatural beings greater than ourselves, throughout our history dating back to our earliest known writings. In fact there is no known ancient community with some sort of written record that does not express a belief in the supernatural.

Seventh, it is a fact that state legislation and persecution cannot deter people from believing in a supernatural world inhabited by supernatural beings. This fact is seen whenever a government makes it a crime punishable by severe penalties to believe in a supernatural world inhabited by supernatural beings, such as in the old Soviet Union under their communist government. When these governments are changed after many generations, the nations are still found to be full of people who believe in a supernatural world inhabited by supernatural beings.

Eighth, it is a fact that authoritative teachings that plainly contradict the belief in a supernatural world inhabited by supernatural beings cannot deter people’s belief in it. For example, when a nation officially teaches the doctrine of evolution, a doctrine that is contrary to these beliefs, in their school systems, and when their mass media regularly affirms this doctrine as a simple fact of life, most people will still continue to believe in a supernatural world inhabited by supernatural beings. This fact is clearly seen in Canada which does teach the doctrine of evolution in their school systems and has it regularly affirmed by its mass media. As I have already stated however an overwhelming majority of Canadians still believe in a god. The teaching and affirmation of this doctrine has weakened their faith in a supernatural world inhabited by supernatural beings but in no way has it destroyed it.

In truth mankind’s belief in a supernatural world inhabited by supernatural beings is as much a part of being human as our desire for love and sex. We are known to make it our life’s obsession, we’ll go to war over it, and we’ll give up our lives for it. And you cannot teach it out of us, beat it out of us, or legislate it out of us. It is simply a part of human nature just as migration is a part of a bird’s nature and hibernation is a part of a bear’s nature.

As I have said, this is just a simple fact of life.

The question needs to be asked, why are we like this?

I believe the reason we are like this is because the God the Bible has put an understanding of eternity deep into our hearts according to Ecclesiastes 3:11, complete with a basic understanding of the supernatural world and it’s supernatural beings including God and the demons. I believe He has done this in the same way He has put the instinct to migrate into the heart of a bird and the instinct to hibernate into the heart of a bear.

As a result of this, I believe mankind’s belief in the supernatural to be quality evidence of the existence not only of a supernatural world inhabited by intelligent and powerful supernatural god-like beings, but actually quality evidence of the Biblical God Himself.

The second evidence I have is a large quantity of testimonial evidence. Testimonial evidence is not tangible evidence, the kind that science recognises, evidence that can be observed, analysed, and tested. However it is evidence that is recognised in courts of law the world over that is every bit as legitimate as tangible evidence.

The specific testimonial evidence I believe supports the existence of intelligent and powerful supernatural god-like beings are the testimonies of a multitude of people living in the world today as well as a multitude of pieces of literature written by people throughout the centuries that testify of a supernatural world complete with intelligent and powerful supernatural god-like beings such as God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, angels, and demons including the devil. To be exact, I would conservatively estimate that there are at least one hundred million people living on planet earth today who could testify under oath in a court of law to have had experiences in their lifetime with this supernatural world including with supernatural beings of these types. I would also conservatively estimate that there are at least one hundred thousand pieces of literature in the world written by people throughout the centuries that include descriptions of experiences people have had with this supernatural world and supernatural beings of these types. The individual testimonies may describe different things in this supernatural world and they may call the supernatural beings by different names, but absolutely, to my estimation, there are at least one hundred million people in the world today and absolutely there are at least one hundred thousand pieces of literature in the world that can testify that this supernatural world complete with supernatural beings exists.

These are my two pieces of quality evidence to support the existence of intelligent and powerful supernatural god-like beings greater than ourselves, and it is the fourth reason I believe that an intelligent and powerful god-like being has created the living organism’s life support systems.

Now when I put these four reasons together I have no choice but to believe that an intelligent and powerful supernatural god-like being has created living organism’s life support systems and along with them life itself on planet earth. To my judgement this is truly the only intelligent, reasonable, and logical conclusion. In fact, considering all of the facts, I actually judge it to be a fact of life beyond any reasonable doubt.

Modern science of course does not agree with me. They cannot believe in an invisible, supernatural world complete with supernatural beings because they cannot observe, analyse, or test it. They also have alternative answers to explain why human beings are natural believers in a supernatural world inhabited by supernatural beings. Also to my understanding, many times they have investigated people’s testimonies of the supernatural world and its supernatural beings and have dismissed them as various dysfunctionings of the mind. However I find their explanations for why human beings are natural believers in a supernatural world inhabited by supernatural beings to be questionable considering the great depth to which we believe in it at. Frankly, I don’t think they explain our natural belief in the supernatural any better than they explain bird migration or gravity, things which they themselves confess they cannot explain very well. Also I myself have had experiences with the supernatural world and its supernatural beings and I know beyond any reasonable doubt that my mind was not dysfunctioning but that what I experienced was real – literally as real as kisses and colds and punches in the nose that I’ve experienced throughout my lifetime. I also personally know others who have had similar experiences and I believe their testimonies because they have proven themselves to me to be stable, intelligent people who know what they experienced and know their experiences to have been real beyond any reasonable doubt. I also have a difficult time believing that so many people from all corners of the world and throughout history could testify of the same things I have experienced and that all of us could be wrong, suffering from various forms of mental dysfunction. Therefore I reject modern science’s scepticism.

The bottomline is I believe beyond any reasonable doubt that living organism’s many various complex, sophisticated life support systems, and along with them all of life on the planet and in fact the entire world itself, were created by an intelligent and powerful god-like being. To be exact, I believe that the God of the Bible created them. I believe this because I judge the belief that living organism’s life support systems were created by an intelligent and powerful god-like being to be the only intelligent, reasonable, and logical answer for how these life support systems came to exist. I also believe this because I believe the Bible and because the Bible plainly teaches that God created the world (Genesis 1:1, Nehemiah 9:6, Psalm 102:25, Acts 17:24, Romans 1:20).


Now I realise that many people will disagree with me and that they will still continue to believe modern science’s theory that life on this planet was created through a chemical reaction and the process of evolution. To those people I again want to point out something, in fact two things.

First, I believe life on the planet was created through something miraculous, through an invisible, miracle working, intelligent being called God. I however am not the only one who believes life on the planet was created through something miraculous. You do as well. You believe it was created through both a miraculous chemical reaction with God-like abilities and a multitude of miraculous DNA mutations with God-like abilities.

And this is the bottomline. Something that was both miraculous and God-like created life in this world. The only question is what miraculous, God-like thing do you want to believe did it?

Some believe it was a miraculous, God-like chemical reaction and a multitude of miraculous, God-like DNA mutations which give no commands and as such allow people to live however they like. I on the other hand believe it was the Bible’s God, a God who commands love (Matthew 22:36-40) and holds the world accountable to it.

Personally I like my God better, but to each their own.

Second, I just want you to know you’ve been lied to.

Evolutionists promote evolution as a process that created the world through completely natural means where the impression given is that regular, ordinary nature as it is commonly found in the world over the course of billions of years is responsible for everything we see in the world today.

That is not true.

Regular, ordinary nature as it is commonly found in the world over the course of billions of years could never create the world we see today. Instead, if nature were responsible for everything we see today, it would have had to have acted abnormally, literally to the point of acting miraculously in ways people normally attribute to God. 

Evolutionists don’t admit this, but it is the truth.

All I can say is if you believe in evolution, I admire your faith in things no one has ever seen before and no one can prove.