<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/waynehollier/alleluia.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Apathetic Society

So common now are things we see
That no longer are we alarmed
The more that we are exposed
The less we notice the harm
Excess of exposure seems to cause
Less and less concern
In the direction that society seems
To want to twist and turn
I recall when someone being shot
In the light of day
Was sure to cause a stir
But, now we simply look and say
" How terrible " as we look upon
This body as it bleeds
Then go on along our way
And show little concern for what we've just seen
How can a society that helps the entire world
At home be so apathetic
How can we tolerate the wrong that we see
And detatch emotions from actions that are so pathetic

Patrick Wayne Hollier
Copyright 2000 Patrick Hollier

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