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A Thankful 4TH

The 4th of July will always be
A special day in my memory
The day that our forefathers boldly declared
Independence for all that now is shared
By all who are blessed to live in this land
Of Democracy and Freedom that they built with their hands
Courage they showed for they stood to lose
All they possessed, yet they could choose
To follow the British way of life
Where the Queen alone would prosper from their strife
But, they stood their ground and held firm
To the morals and principles they had learned
By being free of British control
And refusing to pay those ridiculous tolls
Tolls and tariffs which certainly took
Most of their profit until they looked
At with victory alone what they would gain
Yet, freedom would come with a great deal of pain
A tough decision would swiftly determine
But, thanks to Mr. Patrick Henry's sermon;
" Give me liberty or give me death "
They were willing to fight till their last breath
So, the freedom that now is expressed with much celebration
Has come only through great tribulation
A debt of gratitude is certainly owed
To all of the men who's blood has flowed
Since this country first gained its freedom
And fought to defend it through every season

Patrick Wayne Hollier
Copyright 2000 Patrick Hollier

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