<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/waynehollier/elise.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Completely Exposed

I sit and write words hoping to touch
An unexposed feeling, emotion or such
To help you to understand what it is that I feel
That to you it may seem authentic and real
I expose myself that I might reach
That place inside you through song or speech
That deepest place where only you go
For that is the you that only you know
To be completely naked, empty and bare
The honest you that few have ever dared
To reach and to see and to feel from your view
The honest reason that you react as you do
The totally honest version of me is right there
So, I ask that you expose yourself now, if you dare
I'd rather know that my honest self is perceived
Than for someone to like me when I'm not genuinely received
For anything else is something other than I
And to put it before you would be just a lie
Through my writing you know me honest and true
Now let yourself out and be the real you
Then alone may we honestly share
Our inner most secrets, thoughts and cares

Patrick Wayne Hollier
Copyright 2001 Patrick Hollier

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