<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/waynehollier/ghost.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

Hummingbirds with speed, they flap so fast
I'm not sure how their bodies can last
But, surely they do in colors so bright
All different hues as they stand still in flight
Colors so glorious; reds, blues and greens
As though GOD Himself painted their wings
So swiftly they glide through the entire meadow
As they gracefully hover over flower petals
Fly on the wind wings buzzing in time
They dance on the flowers and effortlessly climb
From flower to flower, I'm caught in a spell
This beauty before me can not be held
Only in nature can this beauty be found
Flying and dancing above the ground
Freedom in flight they truly show
Nothing I've previously witnessed has made me feel so
Awestruck and speachless as they fly above
This gift from GOD, I truly love
I now understand the facination that some share
For now I too see the beauty that's there

Patrick Wayne Hollier
Copyright 2000 Patrick Hollier

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