<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/waynehollier/pianoman.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
My Experiences

Things that I dare, to or not do
Is a reflection of things that I have been through
All of my experiences have made me
This person before you that you now see
Some have made me stronger yet, others afraid
To try again for I have made
Mistakes in my life that I regret
These are the ones that in my mindset
Are harder to get over or get past
For these are the ones that seem to unmask
Bad or painful memories that I try to forget
Yet, to learn from them I must let
Them into my conscious to be aware
To again commit them, I do not dare
So, I attempt to retain all that I can
That by learning I might be, a better man
And not to again recreate previous errors
To improve myself and try to never
Hurt, injure, shrug or offend
To be more sensitive to others and to improve from within

Patrick Wayne Hollier
Copyright 2001 Patrick Hollier
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