<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/waynehollier/sail.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Not Today
(I'm Tired)

Sometimes I'm just tired for no apparent reason
It may be the weather or just the season
I try to muster all of the energy I dare
But, it just can't be found, no matter where
I dig or look to see if there's more
I'm simply unable to get my feet to the floor
So, this I say to myself, "self, I think that I might stay
Right here where I'm at, at least for today"
Nothing gets done and all that I try is in vain
Just to go to the bathroom today is a strain
Energy and effort I try to put forth
But, today I'm no good and little am I worth
Little or nothing for whatever I try
I think I'll lie here and ask myself why
Does it all need to be done right away
After all, tomorrow will be a new day
Maybe by then I'll feel better, and get it all done
Or maybe tomorrow I'll just lie in the sun
And once more say, "Perhaps tomorrow I''ll perform
But, for today I'm tired, worthless and worn"

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Patrick Wayne Hollier
Copyright 2001 Patrick Hollier