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Prescription Junkie

Medicine comes in many different forms
Liquid, pills, capsules or injections and often do harm
Just because they come with a prescription
They still create junkies with serious addictions
You may take them when there's really no need
Just our of habit or maybe through greed
They make you feel somewhat better inside
Deliver a feeling of euphoria, power or pride
But, no matter how good you feel at the time
Your script will run out and you will find
The need is still there though the reason is gone
You'll feel shaky, queezy and all alone
You'll isolate yourself so you don't have to face
Those who may judge you or out of disgrace
Shame and disgrace you soon will experience
The reality is there and you'll need some deliverance
From this addiction to which you have become a slave
You'll want it so bad, you'll rant and rave
You'll not understand the simplest of things that you try to learn
Your inner most recesses will pine and yearn
Just once more you'll desire the feeling of that first hit
But, sooner or later you'll have to quit
The longer you wait the harder it is
The need never leaves nor will it give
That feeling it gave when you began
To take the drug that took your soul and ran
So, be careful of with what you partake
And abuse it not for heaven sake

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Patrick Wayne Hollier
Copyright 2003 Patrick Hollier