<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/waynehollier/loveyou.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Rarest Of Beauty

What beauty I see that awaits
My touch and caress
The beauty I see before me now is beyond any
To this I attest
For the beauty that stands before me now
Is beauty beyond compare
This beauty that is before me now
Is beauty so grand and rare
It is truely the rarest of beauty
Beauty that is felt and not with the eyes seen
For the beauty that comes from within
Is beauty beyond extreme
It is beauty that can consume you
As fire consumes its fuel
It's the kind of beauty that to aquire
Men for ages have dueled
For beauty from within never fades
It is beauty that forever will last
For when the exterior beauty has long been gone
This inward beauty will still be cast
As a shadow in the bright sunlight
It will stand so bold and clear
For this type of beauty forever endures
And forever is held so dear

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Patrick Wayne Hollier
Copyright 2002 Patrick Hollier