<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/waynehollier/pathetique_2.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Yesterday's Gone
To see the beauty that lies within
A new day at last now can begin
All that was old will now fade away
As the new leaps forth to start this new day
Fresh and clean at the start
Of a whole new day that's miles apart
From the yesterday that was but, no longer will be
The yesterday that was so trying to me
Refreshed and well rested now I commence
This fresh new day without pretense
For yesterday's over and will forever disperse
Regrets now I leave that I might convert
From the fool that I was only a day ago
Foolish and simple this I know
But, today I strive harder that I might be
A new and better version of this person I call me
For each day is another chance to appreciate
To refresh and renew or just recuperate
From the yesterday that was yet, will not be again
For today I'll view the beauty that lies within
Patrick Wayne Hollier
Copyright 2000 Patrick Hollier
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