... a family outing
During August you again find us trekking and adventuring through Yellowstone
Time again for us to enjoy the peace and quiet away from city life at Yellowstone. August provides an excellent time since the mosquitoes seem to be mostly gone and yet the warming sun still remains. This year was particularly good since both my daughter Judy and her family, along with son, James, and his 2 1/2 year old son, Joshua, were able to be with us at the same time and place.
We were lucky this year as we arrived when the moon sank with the sun ... leaving an intense black sky brilliantly lit by billions of stars. As each night progressed, we started to get increasingly long glimpses of the bright silvery moon after sunset.
We all were located at the Old Faithful Lodge cabins with the meandering Firehole River in our back yards. Off in Pipeline Meadows, just across the river, boiling hot springs and even a geyser made for a unique setting. Buffalo were regular visitors near the cabin area.
Joshua's second trip to Yellowstone -- This time he REALLY had fun! Wayne, Joshua, and Dianne at our cabin
We all enjoyed Joshua's delightful smiling presence. Like a little trooper he hiked a full half mile in and half mile back out to our hidden hot spring area near the cabin... quite a task for a 2 1/2 year old!
Whitney, Doug and Judy's daughter, Whitney, was always willing and ready to help tend and carry Joshua. Brian and Tim, Doug and Judy's other two sons thrilled to play "Ring Around the Roses" with Joshua in their spacious double cabin. Had it not been for all this willing company, this trip wouldn't have been near so much fun.
Our hike to Observation Point above Old Faithful, then over to Solitary Geyser had to be a highlight. The weather was perfect and the silence of the woods made us all feel a bit closer to nature that day. And, Solitary's surprise burp of hot water during an eruption every few minutes was never a disappointment. We only hoped it never ever stopped it's surprise show.
Judy, Whitney, and Doug Lamb -- The first year the kids could really be appreciative of Yellowstone
There was as much fun around the cabin area as our trips to see the thermal features. We had rigged up cups, bottles, and rocks on the cabin doorstep to make a "water factory." All the children enjoyed the diversion. Then, a log jam in the Firehole River provided a perfect log-crossing challenge for everyone. No one fell in, fortunately. But they really wanted to get wet anyway, and took many happy minutes wading in the Firehole's more shallow parts. Brian had built a castle on the opposite shore which held up for several days.
Night time in the cabin was equally fun. Judy read from the "Harry Potter" book for entertainment. We all huddled, warmly, in the cabin with the cold night air outside reminding us of the comforts of cabin life.
James had to leave his loving wife, Amber, in Kansas. Amber was visiting her folks and both felt it best that their youngest, Kayla, --- now just eight months old --- would better enjoy Kansas than Yellowstone at this young age.
Joshua was delighted to stop at every stream and river to throw rocks into the water and watch them splash. He kept us all busy gathering up rocks.
James, Joshua, and Dianne pause on the boardwalk near Old Faithful
Christmas in Yellowstone falls on the 25th of August. We wandered over to the Old Faithful Inn -- always impressed by the size and workmanship that went into the structure. Here at the Inn, they celebrate Christmas every year at this time with even a Santa. Joshua was able to sit on Santa's lap while James caught some nice pictures of the event. All made a Christmas tree ornament using old burned out bulbs from the Inn. The pianist, who is the same one we have heard year after year, delighted everyone with just about any song you could want along with several Christmas favorites. His expertise at the piano was always admired and appreciated.
Tim and Brian with their new ranger hats
And so, yes, it was a very fun time. We hated to part. Judy, Doug and family left for Boise. We left for our home in Salt Lake.
We can hardly await next year ... to enjoy another wonderful vacation at Yellowstone.
Wayne's latest Yellowstone music composition, "Deep Woods" (1.7MB - 3:36) --- a composition inspired by the solitude and quiet, deep inside the Yellowstone forest. Note: This is the new MP3-Pro format which will play on any mp3 player, but if played on the MP3-Pro player, will sound "as good as or better than" regular MP3. MP3-Pro files also take half the space of a standard MP3 file.
Page Modified September 3, 2004