Lirac Weyr

Last Updated: September 13, 2009
News: Building up a New RP!

Here we go!
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It is nicknamed Wayward Weyr. All the old, disabled, injured and unwanted riders with a few good ones thrown in come to Lirac. They're all accepted, as Lirac is an entire wing short of a full Weyr.

Lirac Weyr was a small Weyr made to protect the explorers on the Southern Continent. Ista sent an older queen pair to the Weyr. No one really expected anything to happen; Thread was just a myth, but precautions and tradition were nice. Thread began falling and the riders at Lirac were called upon. This was ten turns before. Renarth and Irela only rose twice and Br'len has been the Weyrleader for the past seven now.

Renarth layed a clutch of ten with a favored egg - the queen egg. Eight eggs hatched, and the queen egg was one of the two that did not. The other Weyrs have not been willing to offer another goldrider pair to this point. Recently, a conclave has been called to find out what to do with the little Weyr. Should the Southern continent continue to be inhabited, or should it be evacuated and the riders redistributed? Time will tell!

Do you belong at Wayward Weyr? An unhappy quirk, or perhaps simply an adventurous streak? Male candidates and lower riders especially, step on up!

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