Hail and well met my
good Norrathian brothers and sisters! Since my last update there have been many
happenings of great importance! Myself and my 'Merciless Midget' brothers have
worked together with members of 'Liberation of the Underfoot' to spread a great
deal of goodness throughout Faydwer!
Ironically, I began my last
adventure all alone. When I first entered Gfay I travelled to orc hill to make
sure all was well, I encountered a friendly seeming young half elf named
Chendien. Upon speaking with him, I decided that he was probably not a pker. We
got to talking about the war against the dark races, and I told him about an
idea of mine that elves, humans, and shorts should unite together in order to
face the real enemy,
the darks. Upon hearing me speak of this, he became enraged, declaring that
elves were superior to all and he would NEVER fight by my side!
I finally
got him to calm down so we could talk it out like to civilized citizens of
Unfortunately, as you
can see from the above picture, during our civilized discussion he attempted to
cast a spell which I can only assume would have resulted in my immediate death.
Somehow, it was interrupted and I managed to escape.
In order to make
sure that the young ones knew that the zone was now safe, I gave the 'all-clear'
Citizens of Gfay
rejoiced and applauded my incredibly courageous and selfless act. It seemed for
a moment that I had now attained 'hero'
I saw a kind young
female elf wizard standing on the hill and I knew she was many seasons above me.
Naturally, I spoke to her in kindness
I decided that
although she was suspect, she probably wasn't a pker. (/ooc this one fell into
the 'I may be crazy but I ain't stupid' category!)
Things took a turn for
the worse, though. I soon began to realize that I was not being acclaimed as a
hero. In fact I had become a primary target of the pkers. Some even suggested
that my will was not truly the will of Mother Tunare. I met up with my good
friend Keric, and his first question was to ask me what all the horrible
shouting in Elvish was about. I promised him that I would one day teach him
Elvish, but for now I would just translate for him.
I tried to calm
the poor wood-elf down, I even prayed to Tunare to show her that I was an
instrument of goodness. Unfortunately, I was ultimately left with no choice but
to neutralize the horrible pker they call Tamile.
Many felt I was
unjust, but no one ever said being a defender of justice would be easy. I wept
and wept over the senseless violence that had taken place. I received the usual
random statements.
Masses of elven
and human pkers emerged to destroy us. There were so many elves and humans
teaming together that it suddenly appeared they had formed a new and deadly
team! Not yellow, not blue, but a combination of both! The GREEN TEAM!!!
As we retreated to
discuss strategy, I was attacked and slain by a horrible pking guard.
(/ooc I don't know if
you can read it, but I tried to shadowstep and it said I was too distracted to
cast as if I were on a boat! Go figure.)
After my brutal treatment at the
hands of the elven guards, Keric and I determined that we should assemble a
larger team of goodness and justice. We joined up with some good-natured and
honorable members of Liberation of the Underfoot. The following photo shows the
core group that we worked with for the rest of the night, although many other
shorts came and went. A great deal of justice was to be dealt.
The Posse of
Justice was now ready to go. We started near Crushbone, and worked our way
through the zone, spreading goodness and love through the night and protecting
the innocent from the foul and horrible pkers that were marauding Gfay. The
following is an extremely small
sampling of the pkers who were neutralized that night.
By the time we were
done, it seemed that every pker in Gfay had been killed four times over. Blood
flowed like a river as we cleansed Gfay of the horrible pkers, and as we shook
hands and drank ale together afterwards, we could hear them standing on the
planks in Kelethin crying out in