Hello again good
citizens of Norrath! Recently I have received many tells from elves who wanted
me to run for Mayor since I have accomplished so much goodness and brought so
much peace to Gfay. Imagine my surprise when I was shown a petition with enough
names to put me on the ballot! It seems that there are indeed some elves who
want to see the system reformed to better suit their needs.
As many of
you know, the incumbent was a career politition. Mayor Etumyen had been in power
too long, and his sympathy towards pkers was nothing short of criminal. I prayed
to Tunare for guidance, and she told me to answer the call of the elves and help
restore sanity in Gfay. My biggest problem to start off was a lack of funding. I
decided to announce my eligibility and rely on the generosity of my fellow elves
to help me with fund-raising.

It was clear that
in order to win, I would need to get some sponsors in a hurry. I spoke with some
of my supporters on Orc Hill, and the response was generous indeed.

Now that I finally
had money, the 'Wazu for Mayor' campaign finally took off. I was very careful to
run a clean campaign. I didn't want to resort to mud-slinging like my

Things weren't
looking good at first. There was a rumor that my numbers were down in Crushbone.
It seemed that I while I was getting almost all of the female vote, the male
elves were being consumed with jealousy. Keric kept track of the votes.

Although the Orc
Hill turnout was encouraging, I knew that I would need to do something to round
up those important last-minute votes. Suddenly, it came to me! The reason I had
been nominated in the first place was because of my record for delivering
justice! I met up with Keric and we did our routine sweep of Gfay.

Citizens of Gfay
cheered my righteous acts and declared that I was indeed a hero! Word of my
unparalleled bravery was able to reach Crushbone in time. I had pulled off a

People were
excited to hear the news. Unfortunately, due to severe faction issues I was not
able to actually enter the elven cities over which I was ruling. My first order
of business was to pass a new law which outlawed ALL acts of PvP within Gfay.
The only exception would of course be committing PvP in order to enforce the
'no-PvP' law.
However, some shocking news was delivered. Apparently there
was a great deal of controversy that Yahas had voted twice. Some people also
alleged that I coerced voters, including Yahas himself. I tried to stand by my
reputation for goodness, but alas the decision to end my term in office was
handed down.

Even though my term
only lasted about one hour, I feel that I was able to change the face of Gfay
forever. If nothing else, I at least passed a very important piece of
legislation and helped to end the overpopulation crisis.