Greetings good children of Tunare! Since my last update there has been a great deal of adventure for me and my brethren in the land of Norrath! My friends and I have been working harder than ever to bring justice to the land, and free our people from the evils of the dreaded and murderous pkers!
My story this time began after hearing cries of great injustice being done in the land of the mighty dwarves. My friend Phaon and I had gathered up our courage and rushed to Butcherblock Mountains to aide our brethren, and were viciously assaulted by a villain from a guild called 'Evil Empire'. (sp?)
We managed to narrowly escape…

We could not stay and savour the taste of victory though. Once our brethren had re-fortified themselves I returned to my new frozen home of Velious. It is here that my courage would be tested time and time again. Rest assured that my bravery and utter chivalry was unsurpassed by even the most noble and galant defenders of light that our land has to offer.
However, as usual, there were those villains who wished to test my resolve. Fear not! I have grown stronger, and believed my self to be up to the task. I had accosted a suspicious looking erudite earlier and he had zoned away. Figuring I had taught him the depth of my justice I moved on, but was soon informed that I had been foolish and that now he was ready…

I was alone at the time, but felt that a fair fight would lay to rest any more of this foolish erudite's resistance to the goodness of Tunare, so I continued forward. Man, I am just so brave. Once I approached him I was assaulted by his accomplice, a ruthless barbarian! This was a trap! I was truly playing the part of the fool!

What they don't realize though is that I have Tunare on my side. He cast several painful poison direct damage spells on me, but I somehow managed to survive the encounter. Huzzah!

I announced this glorious victory to the zone, and let them know that we were all safe to resume levelling!

He quickly explained to me that I had used some sort of mysterious exploit to defeat him, therefore he did not need to scoot.

His barbarian friend, however settled the issue by basically informing me that Zalorn had no choice but to scoot, for he was bound far away.

I quickly went about the task of clearing out the evil wolves that infest the area. While I was doing this great service, a nearby elf announced to the zone my location!

I tried medding peacefully, and did not want to be forced to harm this poor creature, but it was he who attacked me, and left me no choice. Actually, it was not I that he attacked, but in fact it was my poor pet Lenann.

My pet was writhing in agony with thorns all over him, so I had no choice but to defend him!

Although the erudite had had few supporters, there was quite a stir over the death of poor Sorellin. I tried to explain the reasoning, but they just wouldn't listen.

I then realized that the pkers were the majority in this zone, and it would take a maximum effort in order to deliver safety to the 'good' citizens. I unleashed a mighty swarm of justice upon the zone!

At one point during my adventure I tried to come down to earth a little and consort with the commoners, but alas my attempts were thwarted.

One frosty day I came across a beautiful young halfling princess named Tokena who was being attacked by a foul and evil barbarian. She had recently joined the Liberation and was being greeted in the usual way by this villainous thug. We put a stop to it!

Several days later while innocently hunting with my good friend Heinkel, I received word that a notorious marauder was lurking in my precious hometown of Akanon!

Unfortunately by the time we got there he had moved on, but a volunteer had agreed to step in for him to spread destruction in our fair city. Not on our watch!

I have returned to Velious since then and will continue to spread the peaceful glow of light and love. Be safe in your travels, and remember, we are all children of Tunare.