Hello again good citizens of Norrath!
Times are good in my pleasant home of Gfay. I sing and dance with my elven
brothers and sisters, and we are all working hand- in-hand to create a better,
more peaceful tomorrow! All is not perfect, though.
The mental stress of the Gfay
neutralization seems to have adversely affected some of it's citizens. Take the
formerly gentle Batou, for instance. I had seen shouts throughout the zone of
him de-levelling to kill gnomes, but was not sure if it was a hoax or not. When
I saw him I noticed that he had a surname, so I decided to talk to the kind
human and try to assess for myself if the rumors I had heard were true. Suddenly
he raised a fist and struck me across the face! I ran for my life. I ran and ran
and ran all over Gfay. Somehow I managed to escape.

It seemed that the stress was just too
much for poor Batou.

bizarre situation was only the beginning. I began to receive tells from a
variety of other players who seemed to have lost their ability to reason. A
strange and dark cloud of madness seemed to be seeping into my peaceful

I gathered my couraged and prayed to
Tunare for strength to rid the world of the insanity. My virtuous crusade

I tried to explain that it was for
their own good, and that my ultimate goal was peace among ALL races.

I continued with my crusade.

After hours of cleansing the forest
of pkers, people began to realize that my plan was a righteous plan, and that
truly I am a messenger of Tunare. Finally, the good citizens got together and
decided to throw a huge party in my honor.

I think everyone had a blast.