Michigan Microwave Page

Commercial Sites:
Down East Microwave – Parts, kits, transverters, antennas.
SSB Electronics – Transverters, amplifiers, preamplifiers (US dealer for Kuhne Electronic).
Kuhne Electronic – Transverters, amplifiers, preamplifiers.
DL2AM – Philipp Prinz, Parts, and amplifiers, and kits.
G3WDG – Transverters, and parts.
RF Parts - Transistors, Modules.
Mini-Kits - Transverters, converters, amplifiers, and preamplifier kits, from Australia.
C3i - Antennas and power dividers  for VHF, UHF, 903Mhz, and 1296Mhz.
M2 Antenna Systems - Antennas for VHF, UHF, 903Mhz, and 1296Mhz.
Directive Systems - Antennas and Power Dividers for 144Mhz, to 3456Mhz.
F9FT, AFT - Popular antennas from Europe.
Ebay - commercial auction site, lots of radios and parts.

Amateur Radio Organizations Sites:
New: Michigan VHF-UHF Society - Local VHF + Society.
ARRL – American Radio Relay League, National Amateur Radio Organization in US.
     Find out what your grid square is: http://www.arrl.org/locate/grid.html
     Microwave Standings: http://www.arrl.org/announce/standings/
     Contest scores from past contests: http://www.arrl.org/contests/results/
     VUCC Award: http://www.arrl.org/awards/vucc/
     Microwave information page:  http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/microwave.html
RAC – Radio Amateurs Canada, National Amateur Radio Organization in Canada
     Microwave information page: http://www.rac.ca/micrwave.htm
RSGB – Radio Society of Great Britain.
     Microwave information page: http://www.rsgb.org/society/mc.htm
A.M.S.A.T. - Amateur Radio Satellites
North Texas Microwave Society - Local club, membership & newsletter worldwide.
    North American Microwave DX records.
Central State VHF Society – Regional VHF Society.
Western States Weak Signal Society – Regional VHF Society.
Northern Lights Radio Society - Local VHF+ Society (Minn.& Wis.).
UK Microwave Group
N.E.W.S - North East Weak Signal Group.
Pack Rats - Local Pa./N.J.
Rochester VHF - Local Rochester N.Y.
Kitchener-Waterloo Amateur Radio Club, 10Ghz Page - Southern Ontario Club, very active on 10Ghz
Pacific Northwest VHF Society - British Columbia, Idaho, Oregon & Washh
Michigan Area Repeater Council – List of all repeaters in Lower Michigan, (including 23 & 13cm).
Upper Peninsula Amateur Radio Repeater Association - List of repeaters in the U.P.
Wisconsin Association of Repeaters - List of repeaters in Wisconsin (includdingg 23cm).
Ohio Area Repeater Council - List of repeaters in Ohio (including 33, 23, & 13cm).
Indiana Repeater Council - They don't seem to have a online list of their repeaters.
Illinois Repeater Association - List of repeaters in Illinois, (including 33 & 23cm).
Southern Ontario Repeater Listing
Northern Ontario Repeater Listing

Home pages of other microwave operators:
W1GHZ’s 10Ghz Page – Also has information on other bands.
WA1MBA - Good information, runs the Microwave Reflector email service.
432Mhz and above EME Newsletter - K2UYH
WA8WZG – Tom’s home page (northern Ohio, SHF operator), sells tubes and hardline connectors.
The World Above 1000Mhz – G3PHO’s page, lots of good news, information, and links.
G3PHO’s SHF Links – Many good links to other microwave sites.
The Rover Resource Page - N9RLA, Information on rover operations.
N2MH's Rover Site Locator - Good sites for rover operations, all over the country.
N3FTI VHF/Microwave WebPage - Info on rover operations, and ref lockkingg DEMI Xverters

Other sites of interest to microwave operators:
William Hepburn's  VHF/UHF  Tropospheric Ducting Forecast
Unisys – Isobar Pressure maps.
RainScatter - 10GHz rain scatter program by K0SM, uses wweather service radar to plot paths.
WSJT - Computer Communication Program for Meteor Scatter on VHF and JT65 weak signal mode for VHF & up.
Linrad home page -  Powerful DSP computer program foor wweak signals, runs on the Linux operating system. by SM5BSZ.
Line of Sight Plot Server by KB1VC - Free plots of paths.
University of Oregon – Current weather maps.
QRZ – On Line Callbook, Radio Mods, and Software.
NASA - On Line Amateur Radio Satellite Trackiing
TopoZone - On Line Topographical Maps.
Michigan Topographic Quandrangle Maps - In .PDF format, from State of Mich. DNR
DUBUS - Dubus Archives 1982-1992

Grid Square Maps and Charts: Icom's U.S. Amateur Bands Chart  and Country Prefixes (color .PDF)
A.R.R.L. Grid Square Map
BD Beam Heading, Distance, and Grid Square/Lon. & Lat. Conversion Program.

SHF Projects::
Jordan's, RF Web Page - Some projects for SHFers from Jordan, LZ1JGS. Other Web Address. Lot of old papers on 1296Mhz equipment.
Using Hobby brass as waveguide
10 GHz Wide Band FM with Solfan Gunn unit

This page last updated 7/7/2006.

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