Hidalgo Moya's IMPERIAL was license-built in France as the TYPO by Manufacture Francaise D'Armes et Cycles de Saint-Etienne. |
TYPO MODEL A Tilman Elster collection Serial number 7914. The manufacturer's emblem is on the frame, on the right; the full name is also on the paper table of the machine. |
TYPO MODEL B Tilman Elster collection Serial number 11088; built about 1919. While the design might seem antiquated by this period, the machine was a fully workable piece and was successful in Europe long after such machines had essentially disappeared in the USA. |
TYPO MODEL C Tilman Elster collection This Model C displays not only a number of design alterations -- the most important of which is the adoption of straight rows of keys -- but is also an aluminum-framed lightweight machine. Serial X55072. |
TYPO MODEL D Tilman Elster collection Serial number 57544, manufactured about 1921. |