WEATHER PHOTOS      On this page, I'll show some of the weather pics I've taken.  My brother and I are two of those "weather nuts" you see outside in conditions no one in their right mind would be outside in - and occasionally we have the presence of mind to bring a camera out with us.
Tornadic mesocyclone event, 2006:  During the summer of 2006 a severe storm passed through Cleveland / Lakewood and headed southeast, complete with a wall cloud and occasional funnels.   I was visiting family and did not have my camera, but was outdoors for the event and found myself directly under the mesocyclone.  Dave, at the same time, was further North at our home taking photos of the wall cloud.  As soon as I got home I got my camera out and snapped some impressive photos of the mammatus clouds in the late evening setting sun.
In the shot above, the back end of the tornadic storm (now miles away) can be seen above the home in the center of the picture.