ANNOUNCEMENT : GOOD LUCK ON FINALS AND CHECK UP ON US FOR SUMMER SCHEDULES As General Manager I have a very difficult job balancing full-time school and full-time work in conjunction with volunteering at the Radio Station and interning for a major record label. I would just like to say special thanks to certain individuals and inform you what WBMB is about.I have tried to create a stress free environment for students who join and become members as well as my other staff. When given the chance I try to encourage members to train for several different positions to give them a greater exposure to all the facets of college radio and the opportunities that may be available to them within the record industry. So far I have helped place several DJ's and members alike with internships at various different promotion companies and record labels. WBMB is a completely student run station, for the students by the students. The individuals who make up the WBMB staff of Music Directors, Marketing Staff and DJ's are just as diverse as the music they play. I intend to keep WBMB a free format station so that the music played will reflect the rich cultural environment that Baruch consists of. From Hip-Hop to Techno, Ambient to Jungle, from Pop to Metal we will play it all, and we welcome ALL BARUCH STUDENTS (please see the "join" page for more information on becoming a member). Come check us out because we will be THE BEAT OF BARUCH as long as we have continued support from administration (President Ned Regan, Dean Johnson, G.S aka Ron Keyes) THE staff of Student Life > who actually understand simple instructions> thank you for being able to know how to do the little things, like answer a phone correctly etc... You can become a member, a DJ or part of the Staff everyone and anyone are welcomed at WBMB as long as they can follow the rules. Come be a part of this diverse community within Bernard M. Baruch College. Thanks go to: Dean Samuel Johnson, Carl Krishner: Thank you for your critique and your support. To the truly exceptional staff of Student Life Mr. Carl Aylman, Ms. Luz Rodriquez, . "Former Ticker Staff", Franc there are no words for the laughter we have. USG President, Kaleem Q. The beat will go on, we will miss you when you graduate no one else could be a better USG Prez or at least as snazzy as you . Carl there is no award that you could ever receive to express how grateful the students are to have you as a teacher and as the Director of Student Life YOU ARE THE BEST. Luz and Anicia, Friends as well great help whenever I need something, THANK YOU. TO THE STUDENTS WHO SHOW UP, HANG OUT, AND DO WORK THANK YOU!! |
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