The 39th North Carolina is part of a non-profit, educational, historical organization dedicated to preserving and honoring the memory of the soldiers of the War Between The States era. (It is the War Between The States half of the group. The other half is the 1st Maryland Infantry, Southern Campaign of the Revolutionary War era. To see specific information about that part of the group click here). Our goal is to portray the 39th North Carolina Confederate soldier as accurately as possible, through battle reeanctments, living history programs, parades, local festivals, school lectures and memorial services. Many of our rules/regulations may seem petty and insignificant but since our goal is to be as accuately as possible, we have to be that way. The more authentic we are, the better we can increase the public's awareness and understanding as to how and why they fought. To do any less would be doing our ancestors and ourselves a disservice.
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