This course is taught by Ms. Kinter, and/or other members of the Social Science Department, at Marion Center High School. Ms. Kinter has taught at Marion Center for over 30 years. She has also taught at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, at Miami-Dade Community College, and at Homestead Air Force Base, in Homestead Florida. |
Grading PolicyGrading follows the School Scale: Grade....Percentge....Quality Points A.....95-100...4.0 A-....93-94....4.0 B+....91-92....3.7 B.....88-90....3.3 B-....86-87....3.0 C+....84-85....2.7 C.....80-83....2.3 C-....78-79....2.0 D+....76-77....1.7 D.....72-75....1.3 D-....70-71....1.0 F.....69 or less....0.0
GRADING POLICY WORLD HISTORY 11, AMERICAN HISTORY A. BREAKDOWN % 1. GRADED ITEMS: ..........-1.) Class Participation ..........-2.) Citizenship ..........-3.) Current Events Discussions 2. WEIGHT: a. b. c. are each approximately 30% of grade. Items in d have approximately a 10% value. Weights are approximate, and while an attempt is made to adhere to this division, it will not be exact at any given time. 3. SCALE: school scale 4. BONUS WORK: at disgression of teacher 5. CONVERSIONS: none (d- may be given for effort) B. MAKE UP WORK 1. CAN BE MADE UP: 2. CANNOT BE MADE UP: 3. Work Sent Home (collected by G.O., other student, or homebound teacher, etc.) 4. DEADLINES: due an equal number of days later, as days missed. (ex. out 6 days-due the sixth day back. * may be waived in extreme cases.) C. TEST MAKE UP: 1. NOT TAKEN: on the day and period of the scheduled class will be made up. 2. FORMAT: essay. 3. DATE: Friday. (first available) 4. MUSIC LESSONS: take test first, then leave. 5. FIELD TRIP: first available Friday 5. ABSENCE: 3 + days - make up test 2 days - teacher discresion 1 day - you will take the test D. LATE WORK: Is NOT Accepted. 1. HABITUALLY LATE: not accepted. 2. EXCESSIVELY LATE: not accepted 3. In some instances (ex. materials stolen, etc.) work may be accepted 1 day late. 4. Work may be graded at 50% credit. E. INCOMPLETE 1. Student has legitimate absence, and has demonstrated willingness to make up work, tests, etc. 2. Work has been turned in after cut off for grading period |
Classroom Expectations/PolicyStudents are expected to maintain a passing grade based on the school percentage of at least 70%.That includes, but is not limited to, taking tests, doing homework, preparing essays, and creating projects. As with any form of knowledge, reading and comprehension are essential. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a proper manner in this class. Being polite is essential. Since good citizenship is imperative to a strong republic such as ours, students will practice being "good citizens" in our school. |
Ms. Kinter sponsors Chess Club. Chess Club meets every other Monday, during Activity Period in Room 218. Beginners are welcome, as are experienced players. |