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for hurricane information from New Orleans



    WC4RAV was founded in 1999 to provide citizens the opportunity to serve their community ... via amateur radio.

    WC4RAV has hosted many training classes including: CPR and First Aid, SKYWARN, C.E.R.T., and a variety of other courses. WC4RAV training classes are modeled from the many programs  of agencies such as: FEMA, Red Cross Disaster Services, APCO,  P.O.S.T., .

     WE are looking for out standing citizens to serve on our advisory board. Guiding WC4RAV to fulfillment of it's objectives in service to our community.

    WC4RAV participates in many community events providing a variety of services. We have provided wireless communications support to many events in our community , including EMS dispatch , and first responders. Our volunteers are qualified to perform a variety of tasks We can act as event ambassadors providing event attendee's with information and other aid , We work closely with public safety agencies , as well as private security and EMS providers to ease interoperability between event promoters and the safety community.

Copyright © 2002-2005 WC4RAV. All Rights Reserved.