Eyes are amazing things,
Two small orbs, set in your head.
Two small orbs which discern,
Two small orbs which see things.

Eyes have irises of different colors,
Their size may vary from beady to cow,
And the shape of the skull
Makes them look so different.

Deep, intense eyes I like,
Then there are those that look so crazed.
Beady eyes which stare and peep at you,
But do they change you?

I remember seeing a Samoan dancer at Waikiki
A lovely brown eyed girl.
Her eyes infatuated me,
And I saw them for weeks it seems.

But as we are a world of critiquers
We seem to pick any and everything apart. But I guess it is just me,
But loving eyes do put a spell on me.

Contacts, glasses, and other things,
We do use to better see,
Trying to see what is going on,
And heck we do not see half of what is there.

We only see, well it seems to me,
Things we want to see I believe.
See only what we wish,
And miss most of the beauties of life.

~ Tom (tomWYO@aol.com) ~

© Photograph by Marilyn (LaraOct7@aol.com)

© June 12, 2003

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